Hockey Session (Under 12s): Week 4: Passing Skills (2)

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Rachel Dawson

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Rachel Dawson
Name: Rachel Dawson
City: Charlottesville
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Field Layout

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Field Layout
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Field Layout

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skills Warm Up

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skills Warm Up
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Skills Warm Up

Skills Warm Up (Optional - Can also do something else that players need)

  • Players are in Pairs. Player 1 is the active player. Cones are set up every 5 yards
  • Player 1 receives at the near cone and then back pedals to the next cone. She moves toward the ball to receive at the front cone. She does 10 reps of this and then switches with the other player. Progressively, the players move back.
  • Move through the skills progression of push, power push, sweep, hit

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shuttles - Push 1

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shuttles - Push 1
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Shuttles - Push 1

Power Push Skill

  • Belly button faces forward (Drag push is when the feet are on the side of the ball)
  • Performed off right and left foot - hard, power step with bent knee of whichever foot they are passing off of
  • Player carries the ball forward, ball must be in front of body ( 1 stick length)
  • Right Hand, left hand, and stick all come through the ball with power at the same time(Perform with right hand only to develop strength)
  • Hands and body finish through the target
  • For deceptive pass, player runs forward in the same position, and angles stick in the direction of the pass - the player should look away from the target if they can
How to Set Up
  • 2 Lines on the 25 Facing each other
  • In between the two lines are three 2-3yd gates
  • 5yds from either 25 line is a "release line" - players want to release the ball before the line

Phase 1:

  • Player 1 runs forward with the ball on stick - belly button faces player 2, and releases a power push through the middle cones to player 2. Player 1 runs to the back of the opposite line. Perform skill off the left foot first. Then off the right foot. Time for a minute and see how many passes each group can pass through the middle cones. See if they are better off of their right or left foot. Since players stay facing their target they need to use their legs and core to power through the ball
Phase 2
  • Do the same exercise with the right hand only - this will work strength and will be challenging - will force athletes to use legs. You can bring the release line closer to the middle for this part of the exercise
Phase 3
  • Add the left hand and perform phase 1 thru the target again 
Phase 4 & 5 (On next slide)

To Use the Skill in A Game

  • two players are in the middle. 2 players on the end line
  • The attacking player in the middle works with the two other players to get the ball from End Zone to Endzone using the power push skill. If the defender wins the ball, she becomes the attacker. Switch after one minute of work.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shuttles - Power Push Deception

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shuttles - Power Push Deception
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Shuttles - Power Push Deception

Power Push On Angles

How to Play

  • Player 1 runs forward with ball. Player 2 makes a lead to one of the side gates. (the coach can stand as a dummy defender in the middle). Player 1 passes to player two on the other side of gate. Player 1 runs through the opposite side gate and passes the ball to play to Player 4 who goes the opposite direction. Players switch lines. 
Coaching Points
  • Players with the ball want to keep vision away from the passing line to add deception
  • Players with the ball will keep their belly button facing forward, the only thing that will change to pass on an angle is their stick angle
  • It is critical that the ball is in front of the athlete so that they can generate power with a hard step as they run through the pass

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Intercept to Score

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Intercept to Score
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Intercept to Score

Hitting + Overheads 

This exercise puts hitting into a game situation - feel free to break the skill down during the station to focus on hitting or overhead technique

  • Player 1 Receives an overhead from a playerDribbles a ball toward the top of the circle, and then takes a shot
  • Player 1 Stays in the Circle for the next two balls
  • Player 2 takes a ball and tries to hit thru the sideline gate, past player 3
  • Player 3 intercepts and then hits the ball into the circle to player 1 for a shot or tip
  • Player 3 joins for the next ball
  • Player 4 tries to hit the ball past player 5, player 5 intercepts and then hits into the circle for player 1 & 3
  • After a few reps, make it competitive by adding a defender on the first ball who stays in the circle to intercept the next two balls
  • The Intercepted balls can also be overheads

On A separate area of the field, set up an overhead area with targets that are 15yds, 25yds, and 40yds away. Give athletes 3 tries to see how many areas they can hit

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Sweeps

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Sweeps
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Flow Through - Sweeping

Coaching Points

  • Emphasize Technical Details of the Sweep Pass
  • Focus on receiving and working feet so that their is space to sweep
How to Play
  • P1 Pushes the ball to P2 for an in and out play. P2 sweeps the ball to P3. P3 Sweeps the ball to P4. P4 Sweeps the Ball to P2 in the circle for a shot on goal.
  • If desired add a defender who starts on P2 and contests the last ball into the circle

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v1 Break

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v1 Break
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3v1 Break

Passing Box

Coaching Points

  • Reposition into an open Passing Lane
  • Play the open pass. 
  • Two Touches
  • Give a Clear Target
How to Play
  • Set up four cones in a rectangle 20x25yds. The attacking players must stay in the lanes outside of the cones. 
  • 3-4 attackers each on a line (if 3, then the attackers can move to the open line), 1 defender who can move anywhere in the area.
  • The attackers are looking to combine 4 passes. After 4 passes they go to goal. The defender tackles back. The attacker and defender in the circle join. The defender is looking to intercept the passes. If the Defender wins the ball, she can play to her teammate inside the circle. The 3-4 attackers who lost the ball don't join the play.
  • If the defending team wins the ball in the circle, they outlet it to their grid of attackers and the game starts again.
  • Alternate which team starts in the 3v1. 

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4
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4v4 - Long Ball

Coaching Points

  • Connect with teammates over distance - look long and keep stick close to the turf / ball to protect from pressure
  • Use all skill options - overhead, hit, sweep
  • Look to regain

How to Play

  • Set Up a Field Across the Pitch: Add a Scoring Line 16yds from both of the Goal. 
  • Add a 10-15 yard no go zone in the middle. Players may not leave their zone. 
  • Attacking Players try to score a goal. If they score the Defense takes free hit. The Defending Players are trying to connect with their teammates in the attacking Zone. Players can defend and regain in their own zone. If they regain, they try and score a goal. If the ball goes out of bounds take a sideline free hit. 
  • If desired, you can add a neutral

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