Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): SDP Week 10 1 v 1 Attacking U7 (Start Time: 2022-11-25 17:30:00)

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Cormac Cleary

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Cormac Cleary
Name: Cormac Cleary
City: Oakville
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Field Set Up/Arrival Activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Field Set Up/Arrival Activity
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Field Set Up/Arrival Activity (5 mins)


Arrival Activity - 10min


 As players arrive, have them join one of two games, it may be 1 v1, 2 v1 2 v 2 etc.


Objective: start identifying and rewarding positive attacking behaviour,  attacking with speed, change of direction, not

turning your back on the defender, big touch vs small touch. Confidence on the ball.



Organization: set up two fields, each 18x15, adjust to players needs.


 Equipment: Pug nets, balls, pinnies, cones.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attackers vs Defenders

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attackers vs Defenders
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Attackers vs Defenders (10 mins)


Organization: 20 x 20, balls, bibs, cones, pug nets

3 min 1 min 3/1 work to rest 10 min 3 sets

Game 10 min/2-14 players.


Split group into two equal groups and have each person play with

a partner from the opposite team.


First start without the ball, have one player (blues) try to run away

from their partner (reds). Encourage reds to stay tight with their partner

at all times.



Coach can now introduce a ball. Let players pass and move within the zone.

When the coach says ATTACK, the player with the ball tries to score on any

of the pug nets around the field. The player without the ball tries to stop the

attacker from scoring, and steal the ball if possible. This is where you can 

introduce the basic attacking coaching points.


Coaching points : attacking with speed, change of direction, not

turning your back on the defender, big touch vs small touch. Confidence

on the ball.


2 players cannot pressure the same player, it needs to be 1 v 1.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking 1v1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking 1v1
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Attacking 1v1 (15 mins)

Organization: two fields 20 x 12 , balls, bibs, pug nets.

3 min 1 min work/rest 15 min activity - 4 sets


Attacking 1 v 1 situations 


Attacker (Blue) starts with ball on red cone and attacks the net with

with speed. The defender (Red) runs out to meet the attacker, creating

a 1v1 situation. Introduce proper attacking principles to find success.


Coaching points : attacking with speed, change of direction, not

turning your back on the defender, big touch vs small touch. Confidence

on the ball.



PROGRESSION: Add a time constraint for the attackers, to encourage 

real game situations and pressure.


PROGRESSION: Change to a 2v2 where 2 attackers go at the same time,

and one defender starts behind the two attackers for pressure behind their backs

with a couple second delay. This is also to encourage the attackers to attack with

speed with game like pressure from behind.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG 1v1 2v2 3v3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG 1v1 2v2 3v3
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SSG 1v1 2v2 3v3 (20 mins)

Group players to ability and have them play small sided games.


Please end your session 5 minutes before the hour.

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