Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): 1v1 with End-Zones

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Pro-Club: The Coaches' Voice

The Coaches' Voice .

Profile Summary

The Coaches' Voice .
Name: The Coaches' Voice .
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Animation 2 - 1v1 with End-Zones

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Animation 2 - 1v1 with End-Zones
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Animation 2 - 1v1 with End-Zones Create Video:

Animation 2 - 1v1 with End-Zones (20 mins)


  • Half of a 5v5 field with two end zones, players get into pairs, one ball between two

  • Pairs play rock, paper scissors to determine who starts with the ball, then line up facing each other on opposite sides. As soon as both players are in the “ready” position they are encouraged to start their 1v1 on their own.

  • Aim is to dribble from one end zone to the other for one point, defending player can only defend in the middle zone, if successful they try to dribble back to the other zone.

  • If the ball goes out of bounds, whoever did not kick the ball out restarts with the ball.

  • 5x1 minute rounds, coach starts to pair like ability players together


  • Too hard- Add a rule, when in possession if the dribbler puts their foot on the ball they freeze the defender for 2 seconds.

  • Too hard- Add a rule, players can turn and go back into the same zone for 5 seconds.

  • Too easy- Add a rule, players in possession have to dribble through a gate or perform a move before dribbling into their end zone.

Defending Coaching Points:

  • How quickly can you win back the ball?

  • Can you win the ball and maintain possession, not just kicking the ball away, transition moment.

Attacking Coaching Points:

  • Try to stay on the ball, don’t panic and just kick and chase.

  • Encourage players to explore and try new skills and turns.

  • How can you use your body to protect?

  • How can you look for space to dribble into (head up)

  • How can you be sneaky and trick the defender?

Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button