Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Social Pillar - Technique Practice - Through passes

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Cristian Moreno Lence

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Cristian Moreno Lence
Name: Cristian Moreno Lence
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technique - Passing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technique - Passing
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
- Passing, receiving, support angles (outside players) | Dribbling techniques (inside players)
Technical Tactical
- Assessing when to pass to the side players to stay in possession or when pass through to earn a point.
Technical Physical
- Inside players moving the ball doing skills during 90 secs (resistance). Outside players constantly moving horizontally or dropping to receive the ball (strength).
Technical Psychological
- Outside players coping with the pressure of time and inside players to decide when to pass through or when not. Coping with the frustration of failing at passing or receiving.
Technical Social
- Communication: outside players must constantly verbally asking for a pass or non-verbal through angle supports to show availability to receive the ball. | Discipline: inside players must keep the ball inside the box whilst carrying out dribbling techniques. Outside players must consistently make supporting angles and drop to receive to make the game fluid. Leadership: who is going to be the player that takes risks to score points?

Technique - Passing (20 mins)

Description: 4 players with one ball each inside a square must keep the ball in the box and performing different kind of dribbling techniques. The 4 players outside with 1 ball must make passes to the outside players without hitting the inside players. After 90 secs swap inside-outside players.


  • 1) Inside players start with 5 points. They lose points by crashing with inside players or losing the ball.
  • 2) Outside players cannot hold onto the ball, a point is earned by making through clean passes to the opposite teammate.


  • Inside players must intentionally try to block the passes in order to gain points but must keep the ball moving at all times.
Coaching points: 
  • Look for the teammate in the opposite first, if not available then teammates on the side.
  • Use of disguise to confuse the players in the middle trying to block or position your body quickly behind the ball facing the receiver.
  • Look at the ball before the Inside of the foot facing the receiver, locking the ankle to make a firm and weighted accurate pass and placing the non favourite foot stable alongside the ball.

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