Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Ball Tag

Profile Summary

Michal Misiewicz
Name: Michal Misiewicz
City: Airdrie
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1

Organization: 30X30 playing area, dependent on size of group. 

Split the players into two teams, with different color pinnies, so they are easily recognized.  

Instruction: One team will start as the ball taggers. They will have 60 seconds to tag the other teams balls with their ball in order to get a point. Every time they tag a ball it is a point. They must keep track of their own points, which will be added up at the end.  

After 60 seconds, ask the taggers what they could do differently in order to get more points. Such as, working together in pairs to double team a player and tag their ball. 

Play 2-3 rounds before switching the tagging team.  


  • Keep the ball on the ground when passing, to increase chances of hitting a ball. 
  • Pass your ball, don't shoot it. 
  • Stress weight and timing of pass to hit a players ball. Can dribbling the ball, set up a pass?
  • Can only use right or left foot to pass

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