Anthony Clarke
Name: | Anthony Clarke |
City: | Philadelphia |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
focusing on different scenarios and types of finish that can be used, 1st touch ball control, quality of passing, different types of shots (power finese placement)
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4 stations 15 yards from edge of 18 yard box
working from 1 players take it in turns to take shot at gk with different types of finish.
1. play 1-2 with wide player collect ball shoot, player who passed gets ball player who shot moves onto passing cone (blue)
2. 5 seconds to score (snapshot) ball out of feet big touch and shoot
3. skill move around manequin then shoot
4. same as 1 from the other side allow ball to come across body opening up goal.
Coaching Points/Questions:
1. quality of pass into space, 1st touch, allow to run acorss body open up hips aim across goal, football contact
2. big touch to allow moving onto ball true stirke, follow through laces (how to generate power)
3. skill move shifting ball to one side deciding what type of shot (power, finess)
4. Same as 1
challange between team and gk 2 minutes to score 10 if scored players choose exercise for gk vice versa if gk wins
limit touches on 1&4
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7v7 half field with 2 goals if able. players have 3 zones
reds 1-2-3-1 blues 1-2-3-1 no offsides players look to play and score from middle for 2 or normally for 1.
Coaching Points/Questions:
quality of passing, speed of play, what type of finish and why? different types of finish, decision making
time limit, limit touches
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11v11 half field, fifa rules apply offside line added
reds 1-2-3-1 blues 1-2-3-1 let them play coach in the flow
Coaching Points/Questions:
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
warm up
40x40Y grid 14 players 7 balls dynamic warm up
half team has ball half team doesn't players look to move around passing and moving once touched 1 ball cannot touch it again until played with another
Coaching Points/Questions:
quality of passing, body shape, movement to receive and support, decision making, communication
3 minute challange how many balls can you keep alive in 3 minutes, if ball goes out of stops still (no dribble or bad pass) then ball is lost
limit touches