Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): UEFA B - Defending with a diamond - Function (Start Time: 2016-03-08 18:00:00)

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Michael Fox

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Michael Fox
Name: Michael Fox
City: Peterborough
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): UEFA B - Defending with a diamond - Function

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): UEFA B - Defending with a diamond - Function
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UEFA B - Defending with a diamond - Function (40 mins)

Organisation - Can use the wide players but they must play off 1/2 touch and get the ball back in ASAP. White try to attack and score in the goal. Blues try to get the ball into their target player as soon as possible

Showing one way from the front. Left or right of the diamond to come in make centre of the pitch compact - mark the 2 CM's of the opposition. Deepest player screening the front. Distances between centre bacs. When to press high when to drop into a pressing line (how to flatten the diamond)

Key coaching points.

. The aim is to make the attackers play predicatble, i.e from side to side and back to their team mate. - Top of the diamond to force the play one way

. Left/Right of diamond - Make diamond compact don't allow their CM's to get on the ball and turn - Force them back / Recognise opportunites to step in and steal the ball.

. Base of Diamond - prevent ball into strikers feet.

. Try to communicate from behind the play, defenders and GK work together, quick precise communication.

. Try to deny space when the attacker has a bad touch, can the players recognise trigger points?

. Working together is key, as well as good communication, try to keep the distances between the players uniform throughout.

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