Name: | Darren Kalthoff |
City: | Grain Valley |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
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If the neutral plays into the black team the yellow should immediately press and look to defend. Two yellows mark the middle channel to cover the neutral and the two highest players to stop the attack down field.
In the case that the attacking team breaks their lines, the yellow should be sprinting to find their shape and defend their goals. Neutrals are options to help break the defense down. HOWEVER, only the neutral in the area and the middle neutral can be played through. Do not play over the top to the other areas neutral and try to transition to them. This drill is to learn to build as a team with possession.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
If the defending team (Yellow) wins the ball they should look to attack the goals immediately. In this illustration it shows a bad pass from black, yellow intercepts and the defender recognizing a over load opportunity makes an overlapping run and scores. This is the attitude and style of play we are looking to encourage.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Off ball movement is also important to free up a player in space to play through. Look at the illustration. If the black team can draw the yellow to once side of the play area and create a gap or space for the backside runner, they need to do it.
With a quick switch of attack and pass the black team can take advantage of the space left by defenders. The back side "forward" now has freedom to run onto the played ball and the defense is far enough out of position that they cant defend properly.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Attacking Rondo
7v7 with 3 neutrals. The end neutral players will start the drill by playing a ball into an area. Points are awarded for goals scored. Middle neutrals play the middle space to be a pivot player.
1 point for scoring in the opponents defending third
2 points for scoring play beginning in the middle third
3 points for a goal scored on a build up and break of lines from your defensive third.
This rondo is for building confidence on attack and learning when to send a through ball and when to slow the play and build up. The team defending should look to win the ball in the opponents defending third. A goal scored from winning the ball from the opposing team counts as one point. The attacking team is looking to use combination play, off ball movements, and possession to attack the opponents goals. You should encourage:
Tough defensive play by defending team: Especially by the middle defenders, Even if the threat of a counter attack is present. The team cant counter if the defenders are marking and playing with intensity to win the ball back.
Build up play: Teams should look to attack together and use combination play to play the ball forward using the depth and width to do so.
Direct play when right: Direct, vertical or vertically diagonal passes to space are okay. Nothing over the top, balls stay on the deck to run on to. Chips and pings are okay if the pace is right.
Counter attacking: Counter attack when the ball is won. Find the player in space that is unmarked and can be a real threat.