Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): First Touch and Soccer Intelligence

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Mass City Coaches

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Mass City Coaches
Name: Mass City Coaches
City: Norwell
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Working on first touch, body position and soccer intelligence. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 Type of Touch Passing Pattern

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 Type of Touch Passing Pattern
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3 Type of Touch Passing Pattern (10 mins)


  • Start one player on each cone, with a line at the first cone
  • The ball is passed through in the order shown above, the last part is a dribbe
  • Get 4 or 5 balls moving at once (10 people is ideal for the drill, can go up to 12)
Coaching Points

  • Body position, square to drop it back, open to advance up the field
  • Control the ball on the back foot
  • Control for dribble, bigger touch burst into space
  • Smart passes, think about where your team mate needs to get to next
  • Should be very quick!

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Trapped Grid Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Trapped Grid Game
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Trapped Grid Game (30 mins)


  • 1 Player from each team in each square (1 square empty for later progression) + a nuetral
  • You must get the ball into every square without losing it to score a point
  • Only the neutral player can move sqaure
Coaching Points
  • Deciding next pass early
  • Which body position and first touch from drill one?
  • Players can now dribble out of their square into a new one, but they are trapped in that square until they can dribble out again.
  • Think about not just the immediate play but also how moving squares will effect the team later down the line.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Trapped Grid Game with Goals

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Trapped Grid Game with Goals
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Trapped Grid Game with Goals (30 mins)


  • Same as drill 2, but now directional to goal.
  • Can only score in the 'attacking' grids
  • Same considerations about movement as before
  • Finish with an unrestricted game

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