Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Agility warm up with ball

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Tel Nicolaou
Name: Tel Nicolaou
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Warm up drill with ball and agility poles 2 sides each with 8-10 players (20 min)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Agility warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Agility warm up
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Agility warm up (20 mins)

Warm up drill with ball and agility poles 2 sides each with 8-10 players (20 min)


Oranges markers 3 yards apart, agility posts 2 yards apart. Length between orange hat markers 6- 8 depending on fitness requirements.


As per diagram, Player A dribbles to B, who takes ball to side of marker, and dribbles to C, C to D, D to E, E to F, F to G, G to h. Player H then turns and dribbles quickly through agility poles, passing into small goals


3 touch passing warm up and follow your pass, speed up the drill to increase heart rate.

A>B, who controls pass to the side of marker and plays fwd pass to C, C controls to the side and plays to D, and progress down the line.

Variation 1: Introduce step overs between dribbling

Variation 2: Use only the outside of your foot to receive the pass/taking it to the side

Variation 3: Diag 2 Forward short run, firm pass from A to B, B plays bounce pass with A, then moves side with ball and plays fowd bounce pass with receiving player.

Variation 3: 2 touch receive and pass

Coaching points:

Minimise touches, comfort the ball to the side, focus on accurate pass and follow your pass with a short sprint. Use both feet.

Note; Goal keepers can be used in this warm up drill also.

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