Enrique SanJuan
Name: | Enrique SanJuan |
City: | Elmwood Park |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
- 30 x 40 grid
- Players work in Pairs
- One Ball per group
- Players work on the continual repition of the lofted pass back and forth
- Emphasis on the technique of the LOFTED PASS and recieving the lofted pass in order to maintain possession
- Players are encouraged to reach the blue cones with the lofted pass
Coaching Points:
- Head up to observe target
- Non kicking foot placed to side, slight behind the ball
- Ankle locked toe level to the ground
- Contact ball - bottom
- Chest Up (almost leaning back)
- Contact ball - strike through the bottom of the ball
P - Competition: 1 pt for having the ball land between the blue and red cone (60 seconds - 3 Rounds - Mix Up Partners)
P - Competition II: Recieving the Ball on the White Line
R - Create a 10 - 15 yard lofted passing 'end zone'
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
- 15 x 15 grids
- 4 Players Per Grid
- One Ball Per Group
- 5 yrds 'end zones'
- 1 min games
- One point for a succesful play into opposite end zone (without the defender touching the ball)
- Phase I: Defensive Players are NOT allowed in the end zone
- Phase II: Defensive Players ALLOWED in End Zone
- Phase III: All Players ALLOWED IN ENDZONE & Break Down one group to create a 3 v 2
Coaching Points:
- Observing Target
- Speed of Play
- Understanding the 'when' on a lofted pass
- Lofted Pass execution
P - 3 v 2
R- Manipulate size of end zone
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
- 30Lx45W
- Three Zones 30 x 15
- Five Players per Team
- Three Teams
- Rondos (Keep Away) 5v2
- Players in the middle are always the defensive team
- On players first touch - Two defenders rush in to play defense
- Attacking team looks to penetrate the midde zone and play to the other team
- Player are encouraged to give a LOFTED PASS or hard low penetrating pass (DRIVEN)
- If defenders gain possesion their team rushes into outter zone and the team that loses possession
goes into the center zone as the new defensive team - activity resets with first pass fro new attacking team
Coaching Points:
- Speed of Play
- 'When' to a LOFTED PAS
- 'How' to a LOFTED PASS
- Playing into space (away fro pressure)
- Recieving in the direction of desired play
P - must pass (3, 5, or 8) time before playing to the opposite side
P -Defense must hold possession play into their cental teammates before switching out
P - All balls to other side must be lofted passes
R - One Defender In Grid
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
- 35L x 20W
- 3v3
- Restarts are thrown in
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm Up - Ball Mastery (10 mins)
- 30 x 40 yard area set up as shown
- 12 -16 Players set up as shown
- 1 ball per group
- Distributing Players (Blue Team as shown) thows the ball in their teammate under hand begining with volleys
- Once Recievers reach the other end of the grid, the recieving group picks up the ball and services the blue team until they travel all the way back to the other end of the grid.
- Rotation: RF volley, LF volley, Thigh volley, Chest Volley, Challenge: Cradle and pass
Coaching Points:
- Judgement of Ball Flight
- Proper body shape based on the movement/flight/height of the ball
- Keeping chest down so that ball does not fly upwards
- Proper usage of diffferent foot and body surfaces to maintain possession of the ball
P -
R - Passing on the ground as opposed to balls with flight