Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Maintaining Possession

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Allan Siwela

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Allan Siwela
Name: Allan Siwela
City: Medicine Hat
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up
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Warm-up (10 mins)


See diagram above. 


Field A: 

1. Player will pass the ball into the box for the opposite player to receive the ball in the box and with one touch exit to then dribble through either blue or gate in front of them.

2. The player will now receive the ball in the box and turn to dribble to either gate behind them.  

Field B: 

1. Players will now receive a ball in the box and pass it back (lay off) to then move to the left or right to receive it again and dribble through the gate in front of them.

2. Players will now receive a ball in the box and pass it back (lay off) and then open up to one side and receive the ball to dribble to the gate behind them.

Field C: Remove the box from the area.

1.The player will pass the ball in the path of their teammate and them dribble the the ball to the gate in front of them.

2. The player will still pass the ball across then then continues to dribble to the other gate. However, they will turn at the game and pass again across to then receive their original ball and dribble back to their line.  and pass the 

3.  Now we only have one ball and players by the blue gate will have all the soccer balls and pass to a player opposite. The player will dribble through one of the red gates and the player who passed the ball (blue) will have to run through the opposite corner and try to stop the player from the red gate from dribbling through either gate.

Coaching Points:

-push ball with front of foot (laces)

-small quick steps (frequent touches)

-head up on occasion

-body position to receive the ball

- soft/hard touch to set up the dribble

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1
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1v1 (10 mins)


- Adapt the size of the are to the ability of the players

- 4 gates, 2 reds and 2 blues across the same color

- Minimun of 6 players divided in 2 teams

- 1 player in each gate, 2 players (diff team) in the middle


- Players are playing 1v1

- When a player in the middle connects a pass to his/her teammates he/she will take that spot and the receiving player dribbles in trying to beat the defender and play across to his teammate. If the defender wins the ball back rapidly transitions to attacker and tries to find the teammates in the gates.

-If after 4 transitions and the same defender is still in the middle, he/he can switch with another teammate.

Coaching Points:

- Positive first touch (control the ball, take it towards you are going, away from pressure, contact vs cushion on the ball)

- Closing the attacker and the ball (speed and angle of approach)

- Awareness of space

- Change of direction


- 1v1 + 1 (neutral player who can be used as a dummy or bounce player)

- 2v2

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession Warm-up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession Warm-up
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Possession Warm-up (15 mins)


  • Create a 20x20 yard grids for 3v3 and another 12x12 yard grid for a 2v2 game with target players.
  • Need 8 cones, 16 balls, 7 red bibs and 7 yellow bibs, and 2 GK jerseys.

C - I will position myself in this position in order to see both groups at the same time. I will observe their movements in warm up and provide feedback/interventions.

Safety Check:

Check-in players as they arrive to the field and how they are doing overall. Prior to starting, go over the session topic: Building from Zone 1 on the flank. Ask if players feel fit and if they have any new injuries or have any knocks. Be sure to point out some potential safety hazards on the field of play and ask them to remove any jewelry.



In one big group, players will go through a dynamic warm-up led by the coach before playing a modified rondo game seen above.


3 v 3 Possession (2 targets per team) and 2 v 2 Possession (2 targets)

  • Play 3v3 with target players on the outsides. Yellow play to each other and red to each other. In the 2v2 area, the players in the middle can pass to either target. 5 passes = 1 point in 3v3 and 3 passes = 1 point in 2v2.


  • limit number of touches
  • Players can inter-change with their target players

Coaching Points:

  • Body shape to receive in order to play forward.
  • Weight of pass / Selection of pass. 

  • Distance & Angels to receive or create space. 

  • Transition to defend should ball be lost.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3V1 - SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3V1 - SSG
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3V1 - SSG (15 mins)


Create a 20X10 Area which will be split in half.


The red team play 3v1 and are allowed to move anywhere along the outside of their shaded square. One player on the yellow team enters the other half to defend and win the ball back. Upon winning the ball, the yellow player plays it back into his/her own half and attempt to keep possession with their team and a red player crosses half to regain possession. (1 point for every 5 passes)


- Two touch maximum

- Second defender can enter after 3 passes

- Add a goal at the end where upon winning the ball, the defender can try to shoot. Other team can try win the ball back and deny the goal. 

- For the team in possession, they can transition ang go score in the net after 6 passes. Depending on the situation the defending team can try to press or cover and to delay the attack.

Coaching Points:

- Head up and find the passing lanes

- Weight of pass

- Type of touch (directional touch or not)

- Disguise your pass

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 team 4v4 game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 team 4v4 game
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3 team 4v4 game (30 mins)


4v4 game - 3 teams 25x20 area


- 3 minutes games

- 2 teams playing while the third team is on the outside waiting

- No throw-ins (kick-in to restart)

- No stoppages during the games

Team Rotation - 1v2; 3v1; 2v3; 1v2; 3v1

 Coaching Points:

- Recognizing situations to cover and deny forward passes and when to press the ball

- Dribble and exploit open space

 Attacking Organization - Stretch (front to back; side to side)

Defensive Organization - Tight (front to back; side to side)

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button