Name: | John Sommercamp |
City: | Roseville |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Two goals in the middle facing opposite ways
Coach has all the balls
Two teams of 5 or 6- Reds and Blues
Session Explanation
Coach throws the ball down the middle and blues and red compete for the ball and play 1 v1. They can score in either goal- Due to the position of the goals they'll be working on their turns.
So not to have players waiting too long you can have two or three 1 v 1's happening at the same time. Makes players play with their heads up more also.
Play 2 v 2- Players being able to switch the ball quickly by turning and playing to their partners to try to score is key.
Play 3 v 3- Be patient and try to draw opposition in and then turn and switch out- Will be plenty of opportunties to work on their turns in this exercise.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
3 teams of 4
4 v 4 in the middle and 4 players on the outside.
4 Goals
1 ball
Session Explanation
Players play 4 v 4 in the middle- Teams have two designated goals to score in which are diagonally opposite. In diagram R=Red, B=Blue
Players will have to be aware of what goal is free- if one of the goals is blocked then players must turn and look to switch out and attack the other goal.
Neutral players on the outside have only two tocuhes before they have to release the ball. They must pass to the team that passed to them.
If teams score the neutral player or coach at the side of the pitch with the balls kicks in and the game starts again.
Swap teams after 5 minutes.
Change the goals midway through the games in which players can score- Keep them switched on.
Players must aim to do atleast 3 passess before they can score.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Two fields- 4 goal game as in previous exercise and a normal game.
3 v 3 on each field- Numbers can vary
1 ball on each field
Session Explanation
Field 1- 3 v 3 match- normal game rules apply- Players work on what they've learned in the session in a small sided game setting. Plenty of touches and chances to work on their turns.
Field 2- 3 v 3 to 4 goals- Players now score in goals adjacent to each other (not diagonally opposite like in previous drill). Players work on switching the play and trying to score in the goals in wide areas.
After 10 minutes teams swap fields.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm Up/ Coerver Drill (15 mins)
Coerver drill
3 to each red cone
Every player has a ball
Session Explantion
Players dribble to the yellow cone in the middle and practice a turn outlined bu the coach. They must perform the turn before the yellow cone and then dribble back to where they started. Next person goes.
Turns to work on:
1.Inside Cut
2.Outside Cut
3.Drag Back
4.Drag Back L Turn
For players more advanced can include cruyff turn and maradona turn.
Include a passive defender standing on the Yellow cone- Players must perform a turn and push away.
Players must perform a turn and then dribble to the group on the left rather than just back to their group. Once they get back to their starting position they stop.