Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Match Prep - 433 Playing Out From The Back v 442 Diamond Press

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Rhys Llewelyn

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Rhys Llewelyn
Name: Rhys Llewelyn
City: Merthyr Tydfil
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Session Outline

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Session Outline
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Session Outline (20 mins)

UEFA A Team Training Session part of 90 Mins


  • Blue Team Build up from the back.
  • Utilise overloads 

Pitch: 3/4 Pitch as its MD -1, focus on stopping the build up.

Ball: Starts from GK and look to build up.


Our team (Blue): Look to build up successfully over the half way line and score against the keeper. 

Opposition team (Red) : Look to win possession back & score within 10 seconds.


TIMELINE: Blocks: 6 mins and 2 mins rest in between Total of 23 minutes.

INTRO: (1 minute): Frame session on board with both, send opposition to set up, in possession team have detail on tactic board.

BLOCK 1: (6 minutes) Problem 1- Blue team are looking to pin back 4 high & use overload to build up through or around, Side of the diamond will be jumping out onto the FB. 

BREAK 1 (2 mins): Walk-though or Coaching Process, reinforce whats gone and what if that is to come. (Stop stand still)

BLOCK 2: (6 minutes) Problem 2 - Blue team are looking to pin back 4 high & use overload to build up through or around, FB will now jump to mark the FB.

BREAK 2 (2 mins): Tactics Board information, reinforce whats happened & Opposition walking through False FB

BLOCK 3: (6 minutes) Problem 3 - The opposition will change to a man for man press all over the pitch


Possession based, Encouraged to play through or around.

Screen 1 = Block 2: Problem 1 = Play around quickly

Screen 2 = Block 3: Problem 2 = False FB

Screen 3 = Block 3: Problem 3= Either problem 1 or 2

In Possession: Ball speed, Play forward when possible, Switch play.  


Out of Possession: Narrow & Compact, Force one way, stop through passes.


Attacking Transition: Can you attack with purpose and quickly?


Defensive Transition: Do we need to retreat deeper or counter press quickly?


Conditions: Ball Starts with keeper, If team building out lose possession then opposition have 10 seconds to score. 

Interventions: Concurrent and Use of Question and Answer, Tactic board during block to show patterns & Walkthrough.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Problem 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Problem 1
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Problem 1 (20 mins)

Problem 1 - The opposition will be keep their back line at home, encouraging the front 2 to lock one way and make play predictable - Side of their diamond jumping out onto FB

Problem 1 - (Being forced one way in a 8v6 build up) 

SOLUTION 1 - Utilise the 8v6 overload into 3v2 in wide areas

GK - Ball in the middle of the 6, identify the side where same side CB & FB have enough room to play around.

CB (BS) - Open body shape to play into FB quickly around the outside

CB (OS) - Hold width ready for the switch of play, if OS FB can’t get out around outside

RB (BS) - Start high and touchline wide, move into a position to revive back foot off the CB

LB (OS) - Keep Width & be ready to utilise overload on the switch of play

CDM - Start top of the D, luring the CAM to follow you and mark tightly. 4v3 overload including keeper.

CAM (BS) - Stay high which can allow you to be an option to bounce into BS FB around the ST if he arcs run stopping pass into BS FB

CAM (OS) - Narrow into the middle of circle, allowing opposite FB space on the switch of play & making it difficult for OS side diamond to get out to FB.

RW (BS) - inside shoulder of FB ready to threat around down the channel side

ST - Pin 2 CBs high as you can, in-between the two

LW (OS) - high pin the FB & CB high with a position off the shoulder between FB & touchline

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Problem 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Problem 2
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Problem 2 (20 mins)

Problem 2 - The opposition will be keep their back line at home, encouraging the front 2 to lock one way and make play predictable - FB jumping onto FB.

Problem 2 - Their FB will jump onto our FB on the trigger of CB pass into FB

SOLUTION 2 - Create room for winger to roll inside to the half space, or play around pressing FB to get winger in. 

GK - Ball in the middle of the 6, identify the side where same side CB & FB have enough room to play around.

CB (BS) - Open body shape to play into FB quickly around the outside

CB (OS) - Hold width ready for the switch of play, if OS FB can’t get out around outside

RB (BS) - If you see the FB jumping to press you, drop to top of the 18 yard box but keeping width to drag the pressing FB all the way out of their slot

LB (OS) - Keep Width & be ready to utilise overload on the switch of play drop deeper to 18 yard line to drag FB out on the switch.

CDM - Start top of the D, luring the CAM to follow you and mark tightly. 4v3 overload including keeper. opposite side to BS CB.

CAM (BS) - No wider than width of 6 yard box to open passing line into BS winger half space, if ball goes into the BS winger look to combine and receive set pass

CAM (OS) - keep width outside circle and stretch the CMs, allowing overload in wide areas & open space for BS winger to get into half space. if ball is switch narrow onto the edge of 6 yard box

RW (BS) - outside shoulder channel side of FB, ready to roll into the half space created by BS CAM

ST - Pin 2 CBs high as you can, pull CBs to side of the pitch opposite the ball to get winger in half space

LW (OS) - high pin the FB & CB high with a position off the shoulder between FB & touchline, ready to roll into half space if ball is switched into deep FB.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Problem 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Problem 3
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Problem 3 (20 mins)

Problem 3 - The opposition will change to a man for man press all over the pitch, pushing FBs to FBs & CDM of diamond into the back line

Problem 3 (man for man press)

SOLUTION 1 - Stretch the CM’s to create a landing space in front on the ST for GK or CB to clip a ball into ST, this will be met with times runs to get in behind.

GK - Ball in the middle of the 6, if pass into the CB create angle for 1st time clip into ST feet

CB (BS) - has strong inside foot for first time pass into ST if needed - Deep in line with top of 6 yard, work with GK to identity when to go in to ST feet

CB (OS) - Start outside of the box in line with penalty spot, ensure depth is enough to draw ST out and units behind that

RB (BS) - Start high as the bottom of the circle, allow marker to vacate the space in front of ST

LB (OS) - Start high as the bottom of the circle, allow marker to vacate the space in front of ST

CDM - Start top of the D & opposite side of the D compared to closest CB to ball, luring the CAM to follow you and mark tightly. 4v3 overload including keeper.

CAM (BS) - High as bottom of circle & width of the 18 yard box, vacate room in front of ST

CAM (OS) - High as bottom of circle & width of the 18 yard box, vacate room In front of ST

RW (BS) - Channel side of FB ready to time run in front of ST, to play forward into opposite winger on the ST set

ST - Pin 2 CBs high as you can, pick the CB to pull into the space when GK kicks short

LW (OS) - Channel side of FB ready to time run in-behind the space the ST leaves from dropping deep - time run for the ball in behind.

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