Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): 1. General Session - Breaking Lines - 5v5+2 (Start Time: 2024-01-22 16:45:00)

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Pro-Club: FAW Coach Ed

Ged Quinn

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Ged Quinn
Name: Ged Quinn
City: Arizona
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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5v5+3 Exercise - Breaking Lines

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5v5+3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5v5+3
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5v5+3 (25 mins)

General Session - Possession - Breaking Lines - 5v5+3




Playing through, around or over the opposition based on the type of pressure that is applied by the recovery team.

Organization/Area Size:

Area Size: 25yards X 20 yards

5v5+3 common/neutral players

4X5 Minute games with 1 minute rest in-between


  • Team in possession must try to connect from one common neutral to the other side by playing through, around or over the opposition 5 players pressing. If team in recovery win the ball they now have the same objective and can utilize the 3 common players to make the exercise always be an 8v5 exercise for the team in possession.


  • Possession team gets points by breaking a lines with a pass and also by playing from one end line common player to the other by connecting through the middle players. Alternative way of scoring through connecting 8 consecutive passes.
  • Minimize touches of common players. Start with 2 touch, progress to 1 if quality of play allows.
  • Reduce spacing if success is too easy

Key Points:

In possession:

 - Try to play through and around theopposition.

 - Weight and type of pass

 - Body Positioning when receiving a pass.

 - Look to play forward when possible.

 - Width and depth

Out of Possession

 - Defend Narrow

 - Prevent Split Passes

 - Force the play wide quickly

 - Stay connected to minimize gaps betweenplayers




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