Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): ASE G00 Emerald - Out of possession in middle third (back 7)

Profile Summary

Justin Almquist
Name: Justin Almquist
City: Richland
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Field Setup

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Field Setup
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Field Setup

Field size: 60x70 (wider than long to replicate full sized midfield)

Big goal optional since we'll be playing in midfield. Maybe setup one side.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Check Shoulders

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Check Shoulders
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Check Shoulders (30 mins)


16x8 grids next to each other

Groups of 3


1) Central player checks wide to create angle

2) End plays pass in

3) As ball travels, central player checks shoulder

3A) If far end player runs in (i.e. defender tackling) then play ball back

3B) If far end player stays then receive with far foot and pass to far player

4) Switch sides

Coaching Points:

+ Game realistic speeds


+ Receive with far foot - behind standing foot (NO reaching out across body). Chest over ball.


+ End players create angles/spacing too by moving to opposite cone of central receiver

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v2 with central player

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v2 with central player
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4v2 with central player (15 mins)


15x15 grid

4 attackers, 2 defenders


Attackers combine to possess the ball. 6 passes = goal.

Defenders try to win ball and score in any of the 4 mini-goals.

Coaching Points:

+ Attackers need to move around grid to support player on ball

+ Pressure - get on surfboard and make play predictable

+ Cover - Deny split/central player, read pressure


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6v6+1 Functional Rondo

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6v6+1 Functional Rondo
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6v6+1 Functional Rondo (15 mins)


2 teams of 6 + neutral(s)

30x70 grid in midfield


Team in possession on outside in functional formation. Neutral acting as #6.

10 passes = goal.

First team to 3.

Coaching Points:

+ Fix attackers first: receive far foot, sharpen angles, 1 and 2 touch

+ Pressure on ball needs to make play predictable

+ COMMUNICATE - push left, push right, slide

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 7v7 to targets

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 7v7 to targets
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7v7 to targets (30 mins)


Field setup as above: 30x70

2 teams of 7 + 2 targets

Teams setup in 4-3 formation (back 4 + 3 CM)


Team in possession scores by getting ball into striker(s), who must stay central (between cones, which are 15 yards apart).

First team to 7 wins.

Coaching Points:

+ Defending team needs to be connected and compact to deny central passes.

+ Goal-side, ball-side of who they are marking

+ Immediate Pressure on ball. Be on surfboard - push play wide

+ Point out high offside line, which keeps play compact


+ After connecting with striker, combine and go to goal

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 7v7 with midfield zones

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 7v7 with midfield zones
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7v7 with midfield zones (30 mins)


2 teams of 7 in 2-3-1 formation


central quadrant setup that is 20x60 (middle third)


All players must be in their third defensively.

Midfield players try to occupy different quadrants than teammates.

Defender is allowed to join in midfield if box is unoccupied.

A midfielder is allowed to join attacking 1/3 off dribble or pass.

Coaching Points:

+ Midfielders should rotate through quadrant to create space for each other or to play direct to CF

+ Can midfielders create space for defender to move into

+ Defenders - can you make play predictable (backwards or sideways) and deny forward passes


+ Pickup up cones and PLAY!

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