Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): 08GW Phases of play and Tactical Understanding

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Mike Abalos

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Mike Abalos
Name: Mike Abalos
City: san antonio
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Formation

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Formation
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Formation always starts from the Goalkeeper. 1-4-3-3

All Players need to know what to do in these 4 situations: 

(1) When our team has possession of the ball (offense/attacking)

(2) When our team does not have possession of the ball (defense)

(3) The moment we lose possession (transition from offense to defense)

(4) The moment we regain possession (transition from defense to offense)

*These things change depending on where the ball is on the field and the moment in the game. Tons of unknowns in the game and the players need to be able to problem solve/adapt to every situation.*

Goalkeeper (GK)

Right Back (RB)

Right Center Back (RCB)

Left Center Back (LCB)

Left Back (LB)

Holding Mid (HM)

Attacking Mid (AM)

Right Forward (RF)

Center Forward (CF)

Left Forward (LF)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Understanding the field

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Understanding the field
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Understanding the field

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Understanding the field (2)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Understanding the field (2)
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Understanding the field (2)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): In Possession (Goal Kick)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): In Possession (Goal Kick)
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In Possession (Goal Kick)

Goal kicks are opportunities for us to progress the ball up the field whenever the opposition is in our defensive 1/3. 

-When we pass out of the back, we can play through the gaps and catch the opposition unorganized. This requires each player on the field to understand how to show for the person on the ball, it requires the ability to pass/receive and read the game to help progress the ball up the field (finding space to play in). 

-When the GK plays a long ball, it requires us to win the ball in the air and keep possession. 

Both of these require game understanding from the players and there is a time for both. The consistency of getting out of the back comes from the players developing the ability to handle pressured situations and recognizing what is required. Everyone can receive and pass and find space, but how do we handle it whenever the other team presses extremely hard? This is where the emotion affects the players decision making.

GK/RCB/LCB/HM/RB/LB are key players during passing out of the back into the middle 1/3 of the field. Understanding spacing and trusting themselves on the ball and the players around them is where they need to improve. 

AM/RF/LF/CF are key once we progress the ball into the middle 1/3. Understanding how to show for longer passes versus collapsing down into our defensive 1/3 helps us create space moving forward. 

It is very important for the GK to develop the necessary skills to do both, pass out of the back and hit a 30-60 yard long ball. It is also important for all field players to know how to handle both situations. This is player development. 

Every single player struggles with long balls under pressure. This along with everything else, takes time to develop. Maturity to trust your teammates and yourself

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): In-Possession (middle 1/3)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): In-Possession (middle 1/3)
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In-Possession (middle 1/3)

Idea is to break lines of pressure to move the ball forward into dangerous areas. We can do that on the dribble or passing. Each come with their own risks. If we can't break lines of pressure, we look to switch the ball to move the opposition to start the process over again. Possession with the intent to attack behind lines of pressure.

The green lines mark a line of pressure. We want to play past those lines to turn the defenders towards their own goal or play in front to make them step to the ball, which creates space behind.

The player on the ball is the RB- Decision making options:

(1) Dribble to break a line of pressure, then pass to bring another player into the play or continue dribbling. 

(2) Pass the ball to a player further up the field to break a line of pressure using RF/AM/CF

(3) Keep possession to move the opposition using the HM/RCB/LCB

Each choice has its own risks and none of them are wrong. More along the lines made at the wrong time. 

Each decision then forces another decision from players around them. We constantly have to reset and then attack again.  

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