Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Aerial control (Start Time: 2018-04-21 09:00:00)

Profile Summary

Noel Sritharan
Name: Noel Sritharan
City: Middlesex
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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In possession: Principles of play: Support, movement, create space. (Retain and build)Theme: Technical, physical, psychological.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Arrival activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Arrival activity
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Arrival activity (10 mins)

A) 1v1 tennis: As players arrive, get them to hold hands and with one ball between 2, get them to have a game of tennis using their linked hands & arms as a net and using different parts of their body to transfer the ball to the other players side. As more players arrive, get children to change their opponents and square they work in 5-7 minutes.

B) Now start a mini 2v2 tournament using tennis rules, ball must be sent over the cones or "net" over knee height by the returner. Rotate the serve on each point, so everyone gets a turn, ball can only bounce once on each side, allow multiple touches by both players if one touch is difficult.

Coaching points:

- on balls feet, knees bent, head up, ready to react

- adjust to flight of the ball using agility, using near side to send ball.

- Use feet, thigh, chest, top of shoulder, forehead, depending on height of ball or bounce.

- use heel, instep, inside or outside of foot, laces and sole of foot where necessary. 

- Internal or external rotation at the hip to hit ball in the air when ball is to the side or close to midline/ mid-rift.

Coaching position: On the periphery of individual games.

Interventions: Allow the players to play, re-iterate rules and praise good play.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technique practise 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technique practise 1
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Technique practise 1 (15 mins)

A: First 5: Give each player a balla nd get then to work on their keepy upps, with or without a bounce, encourage use of feet, thighs, chest, head and other body parts (right and left side where relevant). (3-5 minutes)

B: In pairs, serve to partner and work on following one or two touch techniques,both sides wherer neccesary 4-6 goes (2-3 on each side) on each technique then server and receiver swap. Serve can be under arm, a throw in or a scoop pass:

- first time side foot pass back to server.

- first time pass with laces

- Back foot receive and turn, dribble to edge of square then return ball to server

- Thigh control then return to server (2 touches)

- Chest control then return to server

- Header return to servers feet, thigh or chest (server must shout "feet, thigh, chest).

Let them try for 5-10 minutes.

Coaching position:On The periphery of practise to encourage, add a football and guide where needed.

Interventions: Drive by to correct technique where neccesary, allow players to demonstrate techniques, coach to serve initially in demonstrations, then allow players to move on with the practise.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical practise 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical practise 2
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Technical practise 2 (20 mins)


- 30 X 30 yard square (use 4 of the previous squares, can be 40 yards also)

- Teams of 4 (e.g. 4xRed, 4xYellow, 4xBlue)

- Playing in a 30/40 X 30/40 yard square area one team works in the central area

- 4 players work on the inside and 8 players support on the outside of the circle (can also do 6 in/ 6 out to enable more repetition.

- 4/ 6 balls are used and start with the outside players

- START with - the outside players have the balls in their hands and deliver under-arms throws to the central players to control.

- The players receive the ball using foot, thigh, chest, head DOWN TO THEIR FEET and pass out to another outside player who doesnt have a ball.

1. A moves towards the throw (throw in).

2. A receives the throw from C with the requested part of the body before the ball bounces and on the second touch passes out to B

3. A then turns and moves to another outside player with a ball

Rotate every 2-3 minutes (monitor tiredness based on weather) 

Coaching Points:

- RECEIVERS: - Selection of the correct part of the body to control the throw with

- Get in line with the flight of the ball, quick feet

- Awareness. Looking over the shoulder to assess space and a players first touch being i into space.

- Checking for space and movement to get free

- THROWERS: - Observation of where the receiver wants the ball (i.e. into their thigh, chest,etc)

- Weight of the thrown pass

- Accuracy of the thrown pass

- ALL: Communication between the passer and receiver. Also note the eye contact

Interventions: Drive by for individuals struggling with aspects of control, praising good technique for individuals and stopping to demonstrate a player's outstanding technique.

6-10 minutes (Water break).

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill practise

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill practise
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Receiving the ball, controlling the ball in the air, throw ins.
Technical Tactical
Receiving the ball under pressure in all scenarios to build and retain possession. Creating and exploiting space.
Technical Physical
Receiving and controlling the ball with different body parts, movement to receive.
Technical Psychological
Decision making: Which body part? which side? first touch into space, to control or pass back? How do I create space and where can I exploit?
Technical Social
Verbal and non-verbal communications with the thrower.

Skill practise (15 mins)


4(+4) v 2(+2)

- Two teams now play possession together whilst one defends

- Passes from the outside players must be throw ins.

- The defending team has two defenders in the circle and two which remain on the outside of the circle and wait for the blacks playing inside the circle to win the play and play it to the outside blues.

- The team which lost possession then becomes the defenders; 2 staying inside circle and 2 going outside circle

- Rotate between the 3 teams, every 3 minutes to give everyone an opportunity to take part in all roles and give rests.

Individual focus: Central midfielder

Unit focus: Central midfielder with wide players, right or left defenders and goalkeeper.

Primary Focus: Using the correct technique of Aerial control, at the appropriate time in a game realistic scenario.

Secondary focus: Building and maintaining possession

Tertiary: Using movement to create and exploit space, to support player with the ball.

Opposition management: Can you win the ball back quickly to reverse the 4v2 scenario and get your team mates in.If a defender becomes tired, can rotate with a team mate. 

Coaching Points:

- RECEIVERS: - Selection of the correct part of the body to control the throw with

- Get in line with the flight of the ball, quick feet

- Awareness. Looking over the shoulder to assess space and a players first touch being into space.

- Checking for space and movement to get free defedrs or exploit space

- THROWERS: - Observation of where the receiver wants the ball (i.e. into their thigh, chest,etc)

- Weight and accuracy of throw in

- ALL: Communication between the passer and receiver. Also eye contact or other non-verbal cues (e.g hands, fingers, body shape).


- Allow more defenders in the middle

- make competitive, which team can perform the most passes in a row?

- Use 2 footballs.

Coaching position and interventions: On th periphery and intervening primarily through drive bys, but also on the pitch to focus on the 4 in possession. Will use stop stand still, guided discovery (can we keep the ball away from defenders for a minute? What is the most passes in a row you can achieve?). Q&A on what went well or how possession can be retained and built.

10-15 minutes.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ACT3 - SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ACT3 - SSG
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ACT3 - SSG (15 mins)


- 40x30 yd grid

- 4v4 directional game rotate the 3 groups every 2-3 minutes.

- 1 team (4 players) acting as two wingers and two target players @ end lines. (When a winger or target player receives a pass, they pick up the ball and throw the ball in to another player.)

-- Score by passing into the target end players

Primary Focus: Using the correct technique of Aerial control, at the appropriate time in a game realistic scenario.

Secondary focus: Building and maintaining possession

Tertiary: Using movement to create and exploit space, to support player with the ball.

Opposition management: Can you win the ball back quickly to ti be able to score.

Coaching Points:

**Players should work to create space to receive passes and review the selection of possible passes


Coaching position and interventions: On the periphery, using stop stand still when play continues to break down or to highlight moments of success based on the focus of practise. 

10-15 minutes

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small sided game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small sided game
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Small sided game (20 mins)


- expand area from previous, add 2 goals and have 2 teams with goalkeepers

- CONDITION first 10 minutes attack which include aerial controlled ball (from throw in or pass in air) are worth double. Headers and volleys also worth double.

Coaching Points:



- remove condition, free play to laws of the game

Coaching position and interventions: From sideline, allow free play and let the players manage the game as much as is needed, praising where necessary.

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