Darryl Springer
Name: | Darryl Springer |
City: | Lorton |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
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© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Defender Closing Down Attacker (10 mins)
Organization: Set up a 10x10 yards grid. Sort players out with defenders (#2, #3, #4, #5) in the middle.
Instructions: Defenders (#2, #3, #4, #5) pass the ball to the outside players (A-D) then applies close down presssue then delay back to the middle. The player that passes the ball then becomes the new defender.
Progression: Activity will be wherever the ball is passed whether it goes to B to A or back to A to B etc., the defenders in the middle quickly steps out to apply pressure on the ball and send the attacker in a particular direction. Example: If Player A passes to Player B, Player 2 will quickly put pressure on the ball and force them to go to Player C. When the ball is passed to Player C, Player 3 will quickly apply pressure on the ball which could go in either direction. Only use 1 ball and keep the speed of play going and challenge thedefenders in the middle to put pressure on the ball to prevent the outside players from passing a certain direction. The Yellow players be the second of attackers.
Coaching Points:
- Pressure and Cover
- Angle of Approach and Stance
- Reading the Pass
- Quick acceleration and deceleration
- Being able to defend directional changes