Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Defending outnumbered

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mike sneddon
Name: mike sneddon
City: edinburgh
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Opposite goals game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Opposite goals game
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Opposite goals game

Reds v whites in a defined area.  Four gates set up in each corner.

Reds attack cone goals. Whites attack pole goals

A goal is scored by passing through a gate to an off the ball runner. Once a goal is scored The team retains possession and attack opposite goal.


Goal is scored when you play into one target, then in turn score into the other.

Change to directional play by having teams attack in one direction.

Coaching Points:

Movement off the ball

Speed of transition

1v1 can defenders delay and push away from goal.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Critical Defending

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Critical Defending
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Critical Defending (25 mins)

1/2 pitch 7v8. 5 min continuous defending. 1 min break. 25 min total.

2 target goals for whites to score in.

Whites set up 1-3-3

Reds set up 1-5-2 , Red CB to remain within the centre circle.

Reds start with the ball and attempt to score in large goal.

Offside applies.


Increase pressure on defence by putting a time limit on reds to score with each possession.

Coaching Points:

Can Defenders understand when to drop off and when to press.

1v1 can defenders delay and push away from goal.

Can defenders by active as a unit to squeeze play by pushing out.

Are defenders alive to transition

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 7v7 defending out numbered

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 7v7 defending out numbered
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7v7 defending out numbered (45 mins)

2/3 pitch  7v7. 3 10 min games

Whites 1-3-2-1  Reds 2-1-2-1

Whites score in 2 small goals. Red score in large goal.

Offside applies

Coaching Points:

Can Defenders understand when to drop off and when to press.

1v1 can defenders delay and push away from goal.

Can defenders by active as a unit to squeeze play by pushing out.

Are defenders alive to transition

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