Hockey Session (Under 12s): P6 & P7 Wk 7 Nov 23

Profile Summary

R&J Hockey R&J Hockey
Name: R&J Hockey R&J Hockey
City: Cape Town
Country: South Africa
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey


Ball carrying, passing and intercepting (defensive) focus 

Groups set in circles with 5/6 players involved

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): The Chase

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): The Chase
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The Chase (5 mins)

1) Players must pass the ball diagonally or directly opposite (not directly next to them) Encourage quick and accurate passes and CALLING for ball

2) After a few minutes, level up to get players to pass and follow their pass (Give and Go mindset)

3) The Chase - when coach blows whistle, the player with the ball has to dribble as fast as they can around the circle while the player who is opposite them has to chase them. The ball carrier has to try to get to either open cone (their own or the chaser's)

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Interceptor

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Interceptor
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Interceptor (5 mins)

Interceptor (piggy in the middle)

1) 1 player goes into the circle and tries to intercept any passes that their team mates are making to each other. Other players may move to the free cone as an extra passing option

The team score a point every time they get the ball across the circle. If the interceptor gets the ball, they change with the player who lost the ball

2) Level Up: if the interceptor gets the ball, they have to try to dribble the ball to the outside of the circle, while the rest of the players try to stop them by tackling the ball away from them and starting their pass again. If they interceptor gets outside the circle, the player who lost the ball goes in. 

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Kabadi Game

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Kabadi Game
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Kabadi Game (10 mins)

Kabadi Game 

Two teams of 5 in each half of the game pitch (use 1/8th pitch to ensure playing area is big enough)

Team 1 passes ball around to connect 3 passes which releases a player from Team 2 into their half

4v1 passing with Team 1 trying to keep possession and Team 2 player trying to tackle/intercept and win the ball and get it back to their Team square. 

Next 3 passes releases another player into the half from Team 2

REPEAT until all 4 Team 2 players are in Team 1s half to win the game. Restart

If defender wins the ball, they need to get it back to Team 2 half and start their possession game

For every 2 defenders the attacking team draws across, they score a goal

Focus on Attacking passing and moving with the ball

Focus on defenders tackling and winning the ball 

CHANGE: Both teams start with a ball and try to protect it while player numbers change with each connected 3 passes

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): P7 Goalies

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): P7 Goalies
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P7 Goalies

1) kicking ball diagonally to warm up with focus on ball control  

2) Level Up: 1 GK in the middle of the circle and trying to intercept ball while other goalies try to score points by passing across the circle. Goalkeepers can move around circle to get an open pass

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Numbers Game w GKs

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Numbers Game w GKs
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Numbers Game w GKs (20 mins)

Numbers game with 2 GKs

2 teams A and B with both teams on the side

Coach calls out two number, 4 and 2 for example

4 players from team A and 2 from team B must run around the back of the goal and enter the playing area (teams to self organise)

Coach feeds the ball

Players play trying to score until coach stops the game with whistle

When the whistle blows players reset to the side of the pitch and await the next two numbers (3 and 1 for example)

Play 3 minute sets, stop and chat, review the score

Split grip shooting only (not hitting)

Note: Look to create an attacking advantage with overloads

Keep the score

Add challenges - players must use all players in their team before they score; if attacking team goes into contact, they lose possession

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Numbers game w 1GK

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Numbers game w 1GK
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Numbers game w 1GK (5 mins)

Numbers game with one/no goalkeepers

Two Teams in a line in their waiting areas

Coach starts the game by calling a number and that number of players from each team runs around the top cone and head into the playing area. Coach rolls the ball near the player who gets into the playing area first 

First team to the ball becomes the attacking team who tries to score in goals

Defending team needs to carry the ball through either gate, goalkeeper scores points if they clear through either gate

Once the game is over, those who played join the end of the Q and the next players move up

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