Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Goalkeeper Handling

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Pro-Club: FAW Coach Ed

Rhys Brown

Profile Summary

Rhys Brown
Name: Rhys Brown
City: Swansea
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Warm Up (10 mins)


- 2 coaches, 1 per group!

- A 'T' shape

- 5 marker cones make the first line

- 4 trafic cones, making 2 gates on each side of the end of the marker cone line

The Session

Different Variations of footwork to get through the red cones, then the coach will stand either side, aiming towards 1 of the orange gates, the keeper must move across to center of gate (focus on posistioning) and get in line to receive a volly. The coach will vary the side he stands, mixing up the goalkeepers movements.

Key coaching points

- Head up

- Set position

- Body weight foward

- On toes

- Draw an imaginary line between ball & centre of gate

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical
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Technical (20 mins)

Position a server roughly six yards from goal with a supply of eight balls.

Server quickly moves along the line, hitting rapid-fire shots straight at the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper has to catch each strike cleanly before discarding the ball and preparing for the next shot.

Key Coaching Points

- Set Position (Body weight foward)

- Eye on the ball

- Quick Feet


Varied Hieghts.

Different Techniques

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill
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Skill (30 mins)

The session

- 'Goalkeeper' to start behind maniquin and on coaches command is to quickly move in front, getiing set for a shot early. The shot will be down the middle, used to focus on the handling aspect. Make shots match realistic!!


1. After initial shot the goalkeeper must react to coaches shout '1' or '2' .... they must then get accross and set for second shot.

2. First shot is a close range block before moving accross to set position

3. Switch order, First is a catch, second is a block

Key Coaching Points

- Set Position (Body weight foward)

- Quick Feet

- React to game scenario

- Cover angles

- Stand Tall (Make yourself big)

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