Brittain Wagner
Name: | Brittain Wagner |
City: | Summit |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set up as above - narrower channels (8 yards) so that receiving to turn on back foot is harder to accomplish. Tight space means that pass may have to go to middle player with pressure on their back.
Play begins with player on ball taking a touch out of his feet to one side or another. Middle player checks away and comes back to receive the ball.
He has two touches, one to control and one to find the target player. Player C blocks the pass to D and as the pass is made, pressures B from behind.
Player B takes touch inside and finds D.
Player D dribbles back at speed.
A becomes defender, B becomes targetman, C becomes attacker, D becomes original passer.
Progression: Player D beats Player C with Ronaldo chop/Maradona/V-move etc on way back.
Coaching Points:
- Checking in a straight line v. checking at an angle (angle opens up option for pass to D)
- Front foot v. back foot
- Good touch out of feet and head up.
- Movement of target to create passing lane.
- Movement of middle player to check away
- Communication
- Quality of pass (WEIGHT OF PASS)
-Checking shoulder/ Feel for defender (Where is he?!)
1. Player B looks to spin their first touch (inside of foot) around the corner and play the pass.
2. Player B uses cruyff touch to beat defender who gambles inside to cut off touch/pass
Fully Opposed
Send defender from another channel, count how many points you get.
P. Go to goal - alternate which channels go.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Same as Semi-Opposed
Each channel takes it in turn to try and find the forwards feet.
Midfielder and forward players only ever have two touches. Only midfielder or forward can score.
Once the ball goes out, the next group goes.
Coaching Points:
-Checking in a straight line v. checking at an angle (angle opens up option for pass to D or shot)
-Front foot v. back foot
- Good touch out of feet and head up.
- Movement of target to create passing lane.
- Movement of middle player to check away
- Communication
- Quality of pass (WEIGHT OF PASS)
- Checking shoulder/ Feel for defender (Where is he?!)
P. Defender can tackle forward as well.
P. Second defender in place behind forward.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set up as shown
3 v. 3 + 3 neutrals
Blue v. White in the middle - their objective is to connect one neutral to the other.
Score 1 pt for each time they get the ball from one red to another.
First team to 2 pts wins.
Losing team switches with the neutral.
Coaching Points:
- Movement of target to create passing lane.
- Movement of middle player to check away - open body.
- Communication
- Quality of pass - back foot/front foot
- Break line and beat defender with first touch or touch inside, find attacker
- Movement of target player to always be available
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
4v4 Game
3 teams playing 4v4. Winners stay on. Play for 2 minutes or 1 goal, whichever comes first.
Coaching Points:
- Creating space as a team
- Creating space as an individual
- Quality of first touch (weight, direction, based on pressure)
- Awareness of surroundings (scan field)
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
SAQ (20 mins)
Juggling Challenge -
Juggle competition. Session 1.
-Who can do most? Repeat at last session (5).
-Groups of 4 or 5. Juggle and say name then pass ball on (2 or 3 touches)
SAQ exercise:
-One foot in each, two feet, in and outs, inky shuffle, bunny hops, ski jumps, etc
Coaching Points:
-On toes, knees up, pump arms - relate to game, quickness with and without the ball.
P1 Races
P2 Pinnies - head up?