Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Quick Passing and Support (Start Time: 2024-08-27 19:30:00)

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Lee Farrell

Profile Summary

Lee  Farrell
Name: Lee Farrell
City: Burlington
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Session Objective:

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Chaotic Rondo

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Chaotic Rondo
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Chaotic Rondo (15 mins)

Organization: 18 players players split into two grids.

Activity: Two rondos in each grid - 3vs1 in one grid and 4 vs 1 in the other grid.

In their teams, attackers must make 5 passes or play in between the defenders for 1 goal. If the defender wins the ball, they must dribble out of the area and give the ball back to the attackers for 1 goal. This is the same for both teams.  Change the teams every 2 minutes.

Coaching Points:

  • Players need to focus on their 1st touch and passing. As it is a quick passing exercise, they are encouraged to play on 1-2 touches as much as possible to move the ball quickly.
  • As the area is small with a lot of players, the attackers need to have a tight first touch and keep the ball close to them to be able to control and pass quickly. This is ideal no more than 1 step away from their body.
  • Create quick supporting angles for the attacker in possession.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Quick Attacks

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Quick Attacks
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Quick Attacks (25 mins)


2 Keepers, 10 attackers (circles) and 6 defenders.

Three zones, shown with a 10 X 10 rondo, central area and 2 wide players down outside channels.

One defender in rondo area and 2 defenders starting on the edge of the 18-yard box.  1 defender can recover.


The ball starts in the rondo. Attackers must make 3 passes before being allowed to attack the net to score a goal. Attackers can choose to use the wide players who have two touch to cross the ball for a finish. Defenders try to win the ball in the rondo. If they do they switch out and the next group plays. If the rondo is successful three defenders look to defend their net and possibly win possession of the ball back playing into the coach.


Attackers must complete 5 passes

Put time limit on the attacking players to finish (10 seconds to score)

Limit the touches of attacking players.

Coaching Points:

  • Attackers should look to make quick decisions on when to attack centrally or play in a wide player.
  • To counter attack effectively, players need to attack the spaces that are open at speed by either moving the ball quickly through combinations or running with the ball into space.
  • When completing the required number of passes in the midfield, the first pass or movement with the ball should be forward to try and take advantage of the opposition being unbalanced.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned SSG
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Conditioned SSG (25 mins)

Organization: 8 vs 8 plus 2 keepers alternating in the large net.


Set up as shown with two 4v3 in each half (the attacking half must have 4 players). Both teams must get into a formation or shape, to replicate game realism.  1 sub on each team.

The ball is started with the server, or coach, to play into one of the defensive halves.  At the right time, the team in possession need to pass the ball to one of their teammates in the attacking half.

Once the ball has moved into the attacking half, one player in the defensive half can join the attack to create a 5v3 situation to the goal.

If the defenders win the ball, they can counter-attack quickly to take advantage of the overload.

Keep score.

Coaching Points:

  • When receiving the ball, attackers need to be able to see both the ball and the goal whilst moving forward with the first touch. Players should also position themselves wider to be able to receive the ball and create attacking overloads quicker than receiving in the centre of the field.
  • Players need to provide good length, width and depth to the attack. This allows the central players to receive the ball on the half turn and look to attack.
  • When passing the ball, players need to do so at speed. Looking to break the line and overload the attacking half with forward runs quickly.

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