Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Defending High Pressure

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Andre Mitchell

Profile Summary

Andre Mitchell
Name: Andre Mitchell
City: Brooklyn
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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High Pressure Defending - Improving Liverpool's Ability to recover the ball in the Attacking Half.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Warm Up (10 mins)


- Players work in pairs

- one player standing by a cone (passive defender)

- other player with the ball


- Player 1 works for 45sec./1mins.

- Player 1 must pass into the back foot of player 2 and immediately start a run in behind player 2

- Player 2 must redirect the pass and play a searching ball to the on rushing player 1 has he/she is overlapping

- activity is repeated for 30 seconds then players rotate positions.

Coaching Points:

- first touch should take Player 2 in direction of next pass

- Player 2 must play the ball out of your feet to prevent more than 2 touches

- Player 1 must give weighted passes into the back foot of player two

- timing of the run is important to prevent offside call where necesary


- players must repeat same action with 1 touch

- pass must be over a greater distance

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressure Cover

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressure Cover
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Pressure Cover (25 mins)


- Players work in groups of 6

- 4 attackers and 2 defenders

- Area of field is space between 18yd area ad half line as shown


- Attackers pass the ball back and forth and try to make a pass down the channels to their teammates on other side whenever they get the opportunity to

- Defenders should try to prevent the attackers from playing passes down the channels to teammates.

Coaching Points:


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tactical Opposed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tactical Opposed
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Tactical Opposed (25 mins)


Players are divided into


Coaching Points:


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Zonal Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Zonal Game
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Zonal Game (25 mins)


1. Full or half field divided into thirds. Defensive, Mid, and Attacking thirds

2.  Team divided into three groups with each team placed in a third as shown

3. Lots of balls in either goals


1. Ball started with team in the Mid (Neutral) third. Blue/Yellow team must attack either goal. The moment they cross over into a third they would be attacking that team. In the display Blue/yellow is attacking Black/white team

2. As the team enters the black team's defensive third the Black team is allowed to challenge for the ball and game is live. Blue team can either score directly on goal or play ball wide have have a cross for shot on goal

3. If the Black teams wins ball possession they must play the ball out into the neutral/mid third and make their way towards the red teams defensive third. 

4. As the black teams crosses into the Red teams third the game is live and activities are repeated.

5. Teams score 2pts for a goal directly from the middle or 5pts if goal is scored from a cross.

6. Game is played to 10pts or 10mins.

7. Game is restarted from GK every time ball goes out of play.


Coaching Points:

1. Quality and direction of first touch

2. Quality of passes and serves

3. Selecting the appropriate surface for finishing based on type of serve

4. Timing of runs from strikers and players movement of the ball

5. Strikers awareness of goalkeepers positioning as well has defensive players when finishing


1. P – Goals can only be scored from wide plays.

2. P – WIde players are uncontested when in ball possession

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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