Dave Barbier
Name: | Dave Barbier |
City: | Stittsville |
Country: | Canada |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
One on one continuous
Blue team plays in one direction
Red play in one direction
Blue have the ball and their goal is to attack the red player and get the ball to their teammate on the other side. If they get it there, they win a point and play continues, if they lose the ball then they become the defender and Red gets to attack them.
Defensive player cannot leave their box so the attacking player has the space from their cone to the box to build up speed with no risk of losing the ball (vary this distance as needed for your group)
If used as an attacking session, consider speed of the attack, shifting the defender in order to pass to teammate (teammate receiving cannot go in front of their cone or side to side so the pass must be accurate)
If used as a defensive drill, consider angle of approach (maybe force attacker on to their least favorite foot), consider body position in relation to the potential pass (take the goal/player away) and look to engage when the attacker is in trouble (attacker turns their back or is close to being out of the playing space)
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
3 Teams 1 on 1
Team is divided into 3 teams
Version 1
1 player at a time goes onto the field for each team. They play 1 vs 1 vs 1. When someone is scored on, that player is eliminated and the next player from that team comes onto the pitch. New player starts with the ball and play continues. When a whole team is eliminated, the last 2 teams play 1 vs 1 until only 1 team is left with any players.
Version 2
Each player on the color is given a number (try to make each colors best player #1, etc to make it fair. Coach calls out a number and those players play till there is a goal or the coach deems it has gone too long. Each team starts at 0. If you score, your team goes +1 and if your team is scored on your team goes -1. This way we will have some teams play together as it may be +3 to -1 to -2 and strategy comes into play. Mix it up by calling out 2 or 3 numbers at a time. (variation, if the goals are large, the remaining players not called out can be the goalie with no hands and arms interlocked. Can they work together to take some of the goal away? This added piece can be fun, especially with the younger ones)
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
6 goal game Dribbling
- Split group into 2 teams
- play possession game with the goals
being the 5 x 5 grids on either side of
the pitch
- dribble the ball into the front of the
boxes for 1 point on the wide goals
and 5 points for the middle goal
- Once the attacker dribbles into the
box, the defender cannot go into the
- If the ball goes in between the
boxes, restart with the defensive team
- extra balls with the coach at the
halfway point of the pitch
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Ball Manipulation (15 mins)
Ball Manipulation
Set up a space (depends on the size of the group)
- Each player with a ball
- Grid spaced depending on numbers of players. Ensure the space forces players to play close enough to one another to ensure decision making while moving in the space.
- inside outside favorite foot/least favorite foot
- inside outside both feet
- sole outside both feet
- laces laces fake take
- laces laces circle take
- foundation
- toe taps
- sole laces
- inside outside roll
- ouside inside roll
- add in difference dribbling technique
- add in different turns
- add in different dragging