Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Social Distance Possession Drills

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John Bache
Name: John Bache
City: Troy
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession Warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession Warm up
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Possession Warm up (20 mins)

Possession Warm Up - 

Split group into two teams (perfect for 12). 

Have four reds pass within the square against two defenders.

If defender wins the ball he sprints over to his attacking team and switches out with player (both teams doing this the same time).

CP - 

How are they receiving the ball

Knowing when to go 1 touch v 2 touch 

What part of the foot to use when receiving and passing 


Progressions - 

Make it a competition -

First team to 10 passes wins

Most passes in 2 minutes

One touch/Two touch only. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession Phase 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession Phase 1
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Possession Phase 1 (20 mins)

Phase 1 Possession game:

Two Attackers (Red) v One Defender (Blue, Interceptions only) + Two Target players out wide.

Game is a fast paced rotation, the two reds attack the one blue and try and score a goal (goal can only be scored past half way cones) Once the ball is scored or out of bounds, the Red who scored or the Red who kicked it out of play stays on the field and two new blues come into play to counter into the attacking team. 

CPs - 

Speed of play v patient build up 

Through balls

Cominbation plays

Use of wide target players 

Space within the field 

When and where to take first touch

Progressions -

First time finish only

Must play a minimum amount of passes before scoring

Must use wide target player before scoring

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession Phase 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession Phase 2
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Possession Phase 2 (25 mins)

Possession Phase 2 

Possession game, 6v3, 7v3 etc depending on numbers. 

Attacking team must make a certain amount of passes (age appropriate) before trying to score in one of the mini goals. 

Defending team is trying to intercept passing lanes only (no tackling) if they win the ball they can score in a mini goal straight away. 


Look for through balls between defenders

Not always play the way you are facing


How to receive and pass the ball

One touch v Two touch 

Switching the play 

Progressions - 

Rotate attackers with defenders

Have defenders play one pass before scoring if the ball was intercepted. 

Add more defenders 

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