Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Functional Warm-up I

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Densing Moses Sebastian Bruno

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Densing Moses Sebastian Bruno
Name: Densing Moses Sebastian Bruno
City: Berlin
Country: Germany
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Functional Warm-up I

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Functional Warm-up I
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Functional Warm-up I (15 mins)


Set up a set of cones on ends and two ladders in the centre. Players on the outside compete against players on the inside. Balls are placed at the 10 yard mark.


Players on the outside do jumps through the cones. Players on the centre do ladder variations

Sideways and forward. A ball is placed after 10 yards. After completeing their respective course of activity ,players start dribbling to the cone placed in the farther end,make a turn and dribble back to the centre again,leave their balls and sprint to the starting position again.3 rounds for each team.

Winner is decided after 3 rounds and activities are exchanged.



Pump arms while running through the ladder.

Catch the rhythm.


Increase speed as much as you can.

Jump with legs closed.


Dribble with control


Lower your body for better gravity


Accelerate on the turn

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