Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Long Passing

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Michael Nelson

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Michael Nelson
Name: Michael Nelson
City: Bronx
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm / Ball Mastery

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm / Ball Mastery
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Warm / Ball Mastery (15 mins)

Warm up:

First without a ball dynamics moving around the area - knees up, heels up, open/close gate, kicks etc.

Then ball mastery: Moving the ball around the area using different parts of the feet combinations - inside-outside, outside-outside-inside, roll-stop, drag-push (with sole and outside, make the letter V), outside-inside (on the spot using both feet). All these exercises allow the players to get lots of repitions to improve their touch. Also include various different turns e.g. cryff, reverse cryff, drag backs, stepover turn etc.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Long passing in pairs

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Long passing in pairs
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Long passing in pairs (20 mins)

Organization: In pairs 30-40 yards apart

Instructions: Execute the driven pass, lofted, curled, and chipped to the player on the other side of the area.

Coaching Points: Low driven pass (run up offset to ball, body weight and head over the ball, use top of foot, follow through to target, hit middle of ball). Lofted pass (run up offset to ball, eye contact on the ball, use top of foot, strike underneath the ball, slight lean back). Curled pass (use top of inside, run up offset to ball, cut across ball to create spin, slight lean back, if R footed aim to R of player and curl back into players path). Chipped pass (dig underneath ball to create backspin and chip ball up, run up offset to ball.

Progressions: Using different types of long passes to get the the player on the other side. Pass in groups of 4 - one player passes a short pass to the other player who long passes it to the other two players across the area on the other side (while the ball is rolling).

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned game
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Conditioned game (20 mins)

Organisation: 3 Players on one side, 3 players on the other side, and 2 defenders in the middle section marked out by the tall cones. Set up on other side of the field for other players same as shown (3+3+2 defenders).

Instructions: One defender can go in at one time to pressure the 3 players on the ball, the other defender must stay in the tall coned middle section and try to block the long pass. Players must play the ball around and creat an opportunity to play a long pass to one of the 3 players on the other side.

Coaching Points: Select correct pass - gap in players use low driven pass through, both defenders close use curled or lofted pass.

Progressions: Add more defenders

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game
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Game (20 mins)

Match Play: 8 v 8

Instructions: Encourage when to hit a long pass - switching play when space over the other side, ball over the top for striker to run onto, ball down the line into space for winger to move onto etc.

Coaching Points: If there is a gap between opposing players and a teamate is a distance away and in between, you could use a low driven pass to slit them. If there is no room but there is a player in space behind a group of opposing players you could use a lofted pass.

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