Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Attacking: Zones 3&4

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Pro-Club: FAI - Coach Education

Oisin Crean

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Oisin Crean
Name: Oisin Crean
City: Bradenton
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking Patterns to Goal

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking Patterns to Goal
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Attacking Patterns to Goal (15 mins)

Attacking patterns of Play to Goal


Method: Direct Coaching in the flow


Duration 15 mins


Coaching Points:

-Variety of possible attacking patterns: Upback through and combination play going down the left and right hand side –wide channels.

-Movement off the cone, timing of runs inbehind and spacing (20-30 yards from central player in wide areas)

-Checking to ball, filling space in behindcreated

- Arrive to the ball as the ball arrives.

- Double movement and opposite movement ofplayers (check near to receive long / check long to receive near).

-Holding and timing of runs, bent runs, deepruns and 3rd man combination

-Type / weight of pass (in the air / onground)

-Finishing type (near postpassed in net / far post driven with laces).

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 8v8 attacking play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 8v8 attacking play
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8v8 attacking play

8v8 Game

Organization: Field set up as shown in adiamond shape to encourage forward passing.

Attacking team is set up in 1-2-2-3 formation

Defensive team is set up in 1-4-2-1 formation

Method: Direct, Coaching in the flow, Naturalstoppages.

GKs included to assist the build up andcommunicate when defending). Half field – attacking third – zones 3&4.

Duration 20 minutes.


Coaching Points:

-        Pullng defenders out to create room in behind

-        When/how to penetrate – double movements ofdefenders.

-        Fast ball movement to move the opposition

Timing of runner/ type ofcross / type of shot on goal.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 9v9 Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 9v9 Game
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9v9 Game

9v9 Game

Organization: Field set up as shown in adiamond shape to encourage forward passing.

Attacking team is set up in 1-2-2-3-1formation

Defensive team is set up in 1-4-2-1-1formation


Method: Direct, Coaching in the flow, Naturalstoppages.


9v9 Game in half field cut in a V at bottom


Duration 25 mins


Coaching Points:

-Creating room to attack in behind viapossession

-Central combination play and 3rdman runs from deep

-Creating and finishingchances in the attacking moment

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Crossing and Finishing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Crossing and Finishing
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Crossing and Finishing

Crossing and Finishing


Method: Direct coaching through game actions


Duration 15 mins


Coaching Points:

-Type of pass/ lay off

-Use of correct foot and part of foor basedon angle

-Power vs Placement

-Finishing crosses

-When to swing leg when to re-direct

-Cossing types and accuracy


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