Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Developing Technique - Control - Inside of Foot (Start Time: 2018-08-02 10:00:00)

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christian murray
Name: christian murray
City: Kirkcaldy
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Control - Inside of Foot

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Control - Inside of Foot
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Control - Inside of Foot (10 mins)


3 player per section, one in box and 2 either side.

1 ball per group.


Player passes ball into middle player in box.

Middle player in box, uses inside of foot to cushion touch a diagonal pass out of box and passes to opposite player with opposite foot from cushion touch

Coaching Points:


- Adjust Body SHape to move ball across body

- Relax foot as ball approaches

- Look over shoulders to see where opponents are


-Cushion ball across body

-Move hip round the ball to protect from the opponent

-The direction of the touch of the ball should be diagonal to be able to play the pass with opposite foot.

-Practice controlling the ball across body left and right.


-After you play ball back to feeder, quickly get back to the box you were in.

-This leaves space to move towards the ball.

-Lift head to assess next option.

Common Faults:

-Players stop the ball first before controlling across the body.

-Players turn into defender rather than space.

-Players forget to put hip around and put hand up to protect the ball.

-They dont relax foot as ball approaches, resulting in the ball bouncing away and losing possession.

-Most players will only control on side they feel comfortable in and must be encouraged to use both sides.


Opposites - Feeder shouts a colour and player has to cushion to that colour of cone

Defender from behind adds passive pressure.

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