Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): C License Session Plan (Start Time: 2018-09-15 14:15:00)

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Jenna Ishii

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Jenna  Ishii
Name: Jenna Ishii
City: Mississauga
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up Stage 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up Stage 1
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Warm Up Stage 1 (5 mins)

Organization: 12 players inside the 18 yard box.

Aim: To increase players' heart rate, and to get them performing dynamic movements to prepare them for the session.

Rules: Players will start without a ball performing various movements inside the 18 yard box (dynamic stretching, jogging, skipping, shuffling).

Equipment: None

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up Stage 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up Stage 2
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Warm Up Stage 2 (5 mins)

Organization: 4 players per station. 7 cones creating a "U" at station "A", 3 different colour cones stacked on top of one another 10 yards away from station "A" (shown as station "B" in diagram), and 4 cones placed 10 yards diagonally from station "B" (shown as station "C" in diagram).

Aim: To increase players' heart rate; to get them performing more explosive/agility movements, and to stimulate their minds in preparation for the session.

Rules: Each station will perform the same task instructed by coach.

A) Agility #1: Players will start on the cone on the upper left hand side, and will put their right foot into the first space between the cones, with the left foot following. They will continue this pattern swifty around the other cones in section A.

A) Agility #2: Players will slolam around the cones (both forward and backwards)

A) Agility #3: Player will do high knees in each space between the cones

B) There will be three cones on top of each other (in order - blue, white, yellow). Players must rearrange the cones while keeping the white cone in the middle.

C) Players will run diagonally to the cone on the right of them.

*Perform each exercise twice through on both sides, with a minute rest between every two reps.

*Ensure that players who are next in line are performing their turn as soon as the player in front of them has finished rearranging the cones.

Progression: Add a ball at section "B". When players are finished rearranging the cones, they are to run with the ball to the appropriate cone at section "C", perform a turn (determined by coach), and run with the ball back to the yellow cone.

Equipment: 25 red cones, 3 yellow cones, 3 blue cones, 3 white cones

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up Stage 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up Stage 3
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Warm Up Stage 3 (5 mins)

Organization: 12 players inside a 22 yard by 50 yard grid (approx. quarter of the field). Paired in groups of two, with one player as the attacker and one player as the defender. Create approx. 8 gates spread out within the playing field. Gates should be about 3 yards apart.

Aim: Have players freely running the with ball, while also providing them with pressure and a goal. The aim is to have players stimulated, while also fully preparing them for the analytical portion of the session.

Rules: *6 rounds of 1 minute each with a 1 minute break in between.*

The player in possession must run with the ball through as many gates as possible, while their defender tries to get the ball from them. If the defender wins the ball, they become the attacker. If the ball goes out of bounds, the last player who touched the ball becomes the defender, and must allow the new attacker to enter the playing area before defending.

Equipment: 16 cones (various colours as shown in diagram). 6 pinnies of same colour, 6 balls.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG Initial

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG Initial
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SSG Initial (20 mins)

Organization: Two teams of 6 players. Players play on half the field with 10 yard zones on each end of the playing area.

Aim: To have players run with the ball in various game-related scenarios throughout the playing area.

Rules: No touch restriction. Teams must try and score by running with the ball into their opposition's zone. When ball goes out of bounds, players must kick the ball back in. When scored on, the team who conceded the goal will restart with the ball at half. Off-sides will be monitored.

Progression: Remove end-zones and have players playing to regular goals. Set up should be 5 v 5 with goalies in each net. All standard soccer rules apply (offside, throw-ins, restart at half when goal is conceded).

Coaching Points: Ensuring that players are changing pace when they run with the ball. Players running with the ball should have their head up to see players, while also keeping an eye on the ball. If needed, players should change direction to avoid running into players and should be using the proper technique while running with the ball (front of foot).

Why? Players must be shown and explained why running with the ball is important. Communicate the following points:

- breaking lines of pressure

- break-away opportunities

- engaging a defender to create space in behind

Equipment: 1 ball (with balls around the perimeter); 6 cones; 2 different sets of pinnies, 6 each colour.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Analytical

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Analytical
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Analytical (15 mins)

Organization: Three groups of four players per grid. Each grid is 10yrd x 20yrd (overall grid is 30yrd x 20yrd). Two balls per grid. Each team requires a different colour.

Aim: To have players in grids #1 and #3 running with the ball through grid #2 and into the opposite grid with the proper technique.

Rules: No touch restriction. Players in grids #1 and #3 are passing balls to those within their grid. At any point, players in grids #1 and #3 can run with the ball through grid #2 and into the grid opposite their own. Once they make it to the other side, they continue passing and moving within their grid. Players in grid #2 are simply passing and moving within their grid - they do not move grids.

Players will continue this cycle until the coach switches players to different grids after 3 minute rounds with 1 minute rest in between rounds.

Coaching Points: Ensuring that players in grids #1 and #3 are changing pace when they decide to exit their grid, and that they run with the ball directly through their chosen channel. Players running with the ball should have their head up to see players, while also keeping an eye on the ball. If needed, players should change direction to avoid running into players in grid #2. Lastly, ensure that players are using the proper technique while running with the ball (front of foot).

Why? Players must be shown and explained why running with the ball is important. Communicate the following points:

- breaking lines of pressure

- break-away opportunities

- engaging a defender to create space

Equipment: 6 balls; 8 cones; 4 yellow pinnies, 4 blue pinnies, 4 orange

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG Final

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG Final
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SSG Final (20 mins)

Organization: Two teams of 6 players. Players play within prescribed playing area (44 yards by 50 yards). Set up as shown - 6 against 6 with 5 field players, and 1 goalkeeper per team.

Aim: To have players apply what they have learned in throughout the session - running with the ball.

Rules: No touch restriction. All standard soccer rules apply (offside, throw-ins, restart at half when goal is conceded).

Coaching Points: No coaching points required. Allow players to play freely.

Equipment: 1 ball (with balls around the perimeter); 2 different sets of pinnies, 6 each colour.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cool Down

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cool Down
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Cool Down (10 mins)

Organization: Players will begin with a light jog from in two lines from endline to the coach. Following the jog, players will perform a series of dynamic stretches;Heel flicks; cross-overs; high knees; side-stepping; skipping; lunges; hamstring sweeps; hamstring kicks; opening & closing groin (gate); forwards side-to-side; backwards side-to-side

Aim: To have players recover mentally and physically from their session; to lower their heart rate.

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