Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Dribbling (Start Time: 2023-07-27 17:00:00)

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Shaun Haines

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Shaun Haines
Name: Shaun Haines
City: Port Talbot
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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60 minute session. 

Pitch line 1 (white) is set out 35ft x 25ft. In the shaded area in the centre of the pitch place 12 bibs (6 white & 6 blue) & 32 cones.

12 players.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical 1
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Technical 1

Technical - 5 minutes.

12 players - split into 2 sections of 6 players.

Dribbling around their assigned area, using all the space available to them. 1 player in each section will demonstrate the dribbling techniques (if comfortable). Coach will demonstrate otherwise. 

Coaches will call out which part of their foot to dribble with - inside, outside and soles.

For the last minute of this warm up, players can dribble around using which ever technique they choose. Challenge them to touch the ball as many times as they can in this time.

Throughout this, they are encouraged to practice using both feet.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical 2
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Technical 2

Technical - 5 mins. 

Still working within the same 2 sections of 6. 

3 players line up on opposite sides of the pitch. Players dribble the ball to the other side, pass the ball to the player on the other side. This then continues, ensuring all players have the opportunity to practice this a few times.

Again, ask the players to focus on the mechanics of dribbling, using all all 3 parts of their foot, and encourage to use both feet if comfortable.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling
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Technical Practice - 10 mins.

Players are encouraged to pair up whilst having a drink before starting - promotes social and communication skills. Whilst they do this, the coach will take 12 cones from the shaded area in the centre and place as shown in the image.

Pitch line 2 (blue) is 5ft inside pitch line 1. In the shaded area in the centre of the pitch place 12 bibs & 20 cones.

6 sets of 2 players.

1) Start by dribbling through cones, then return to the starting point, then the next player moves. The first time each players goes through the cones, they dribble using the inside of their foot. On their 2nd turn, they use the outside of their foot, then on the 3rd turn they use the sole of their foot.  

2) This then progresses to a competitive scenario. Inside the shaded area are the bibs and cones. Bibs are worth 10 points, cones worth 2 points. Continuing to utilise the 3 dribbling techniques, the first game is using the inside of their feet - the player will dribble through the cones to the shaded area, pick up a bib or cone, then return to the starting point for the partner to move. This continues until all items in the shaded area are collected. You then add up the scores of each pair and declare a winner of this round. This is then repeated using the outside of the foot in the 2nd round, and then again using the sole of the foot in the 3rd round. 

This technical session focuses on using all parts of the feet for dribbling. Part 1 is relaxed, allowing the players time to practice their touches. Part 2 of this practice becomes competitive, adding a speed challenge, meaning they must focus on their technique and keep the ball under control.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Wave Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Wave Game
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Wave Game

Skill Practice - 20mins.

Set up in 2 teams of 6 - Blue Team and White Team. 

1) Player 1 dribbles the ball using inside, outside and soles of their feet. 

2) Once player one reaches the half way, the ball is passed to player 2.

3) Players 2 and 3 then attack, with player 1 defending their own half. 

The ball should be dribbled to the opposing teams half. Player 2 can then choose to take it on themselves, or look to pass to player 3. They have 10 seconds to score a goal and earn a point for their team.   If the defender prevents a goal, they earn 1 point for their team. Once this is completed, the ball starts again with player 4, who follows again, dribbling to the halfway line and passing to player 5, then players 5 & 6 attack, with player 4 defending their half, and so forth so that all players have a turn. Teams will then swap, attackers become defenders, and defenders become attackers.  

This practice then progresses into 2v2, 3v2 & 3v3.  

If needed, players can also be utilised as goalkeeper, taking it in turns to be goalkeeper. This allows for rest if players are tired.

Interventions that may be required - individual and whole group.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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Small Sided Game - 20 mins.

6 v 6.  

Encourage the players to dribble the ball confidently with their heads up and beat players in 1 v 1 scenarios. Also looking to encourage wave attacks, creating 2v1, 3v2 scenarios.  

1 minute drink break half way. This to be used to discuss as a group what's working well, and what can be improved.

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