Byron Garcia
Name: | Byron Garcia |
City: | Queens |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
20x10 yd areas, with small goals on each endline
groups of 4, 1 player per color on each side
- blue player and white player both move at the same time into the middle of the area, blue player checks to receive at a straight line to receive a straight pass or diagonal to receive a diagonal pass , white stays behind until atacker makes the first touch.
- players switch roles for the next rotation
- repeated by pair from the opposite side
Coaching Points:
- check shoulder as you check and again as the ball travels to observe the position of the defender
- receive with the outside of the front foot in a sideways body position to protect the ball
- feel for the defender with your hip and arm to keep them away from the ball
- roll the defender if they over-commit to one side
- use of pullback or L-turn to beat the defender once establishing possession
- use of 1st touch to roll the defender if they over-commit to try to win the ball, use of hips to seal the defender when spinning past them
1 - receiving player attempts to roll the defender and spin with their first touch
2 - introduction of more complext techniques to turn under pressure
3 - allow defender to apply full pressure on the attacker's first touch, defenders can win the ball and score in the counter goals
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
20x10 yd areas, with small goals on each endline
4 players set up as shown, extra balls behind each endline
- 1v1 in central area, 1 target on each end
- target player with the ball plays into his teammate in the central area, defender must allow attacking player to have the first touch on the ball
- receiving player attempts to turn with the ball and play into target on opposite side; second option is to receive the ball and play back to the same player
- alternate service from each side for two minutes
- 3pts for turning and scoring at opposite target, 1pt for receiving then playing back to the same target (pass cannot be 1-touch), defender scores 1pt for stealing the ball and playing into either target, 0pts if the ball is played out of bounds
Coaching Points:
- create space to receive with movement away from the ball before checking back into space
- sideways body position ready to receive
- check shoulder to observe position of the defender
- choose which foot to receive with based on the position of the defender
- try to roll the defender if they get tight and over-commit to the ball
1 - defender does not need to allow attacker to have the first touch on the ball, can attempt to intercept the pass
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
24x16 yd area
6 players set up as shown (2v2 with 2 neutral Targets)
- ball starts with one of the target players on the end
- ball is played into attacking team who scores a point by receiving the ball and playing it to the far target
- if attacking team maintains possession of the ball, they attempt to score again at the opposite target
- defending team attempts to win the ball and play either target to establish possession, then switch the ball to the other target to score
- rotate every 3 minutes by switching the targets with one of the teams in the central area
Coaching Points:
- create space to receive with movement away from the ball before checking back into space
- check at an angle to create the space to receive on the back foot
- sideways body position ready to receive
- check shoulder to observe position of the defender
- choose which foot to receive with based on the position of the defender
- try to roll the defender if they get tight and over-commit to the ball
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Technical Repitions
20x10 yd areas
- 4 players per group, 2 in each color set up as shown, all players have a ball except the first player in blue who will receive first
- player in blue checks off the endline into the middle of the area to receive pass from first player in white
- player in blue receives ball and turns to dribble back to starting line
- as receiving player turns and dribbles back, the player in white that passed the ball now checks into the middle to receive a pass from the next player in blue, turns with ball and dribbles back to line
- rotation is continued for 2 minute rounds
Coaching Points:
- timing of run and pass to receive the ball in the middle of the area
- sideways body position to receive
- check back shoulder to observe space before receiving
- receive with the back foot, touch out of feet into space
- speed and quality of next action
1 - use one ball per group, receiving player turns and plays pass to next player in line
2 - player behind holds up 0-5 fingers, player receiving the ball must call out that number as they are receiving
3 - Introduce more complex techniques to turn