Darren Russcher
Name: | Darren Russcher |
City: | Richmond |
Country: | Canada |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Opening up/back foot receiving
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Skill - 4v1 rondo. 2 touch minimum. Can't play across grid, only to players on either side of you. Defenders get points for each turnover & then restart activity by serving another ball into furthest player. After 1 minute, team who created most turnovers gets the point & rotates defenders. If 12 players, can have 2 defenders, 1 waiting to serve next ball in, or progress to play 4v2 if group is strong enough. If 9, go to 3v1 or maybe a bigger 6v3 activity.
Instruction points :
- passing/receiving points
- open to ball & direction you want to play (away from pressure)
- back foot receiving
- 1st touch away from pressure
- have a plan before the ball arrives (scan environment)
- be "open" early, don't wait to open up when ball arrives (talk about field of vision)
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4v4+2 targets SSG. Points scored by playing from 1 target to the other. Each time the ball tarvels to a target is an opportunity to open body up quickly to see both targets. Talk about how a little shift in feet can open up field of vision to entire space, not just a portion of it. If it gets too difficult to play, allow targets to play through on ground to one another for 1 point, 3 points for playing through the middle.
Instruction points :
- passing/receiving points
- back foot receiving
- 1st touch away from pressure/direction you are trying to play to
- be open to both targets as much as possible
- opening hips/shoulders allows for better decisions to be made (field of vision)
- scan environment often (shoulder checking)
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
4 corners SSG. Points scored by playing CLEANLY (not touched by opposition) through from one target to the opposite target for each team. If opposition touch the ball, have to reset from a target to try to play through. Targets come out of zone and play while player who played the ball to the target replaces them in corner. Coach feeds ball in from side when it goes out of play *important as there will be many wasted minutes trying to restart otherwise*
Instruction points :
- reinforce passing/receiving points
- back foot receiving
- try to be open to both targets as much as possible
- 1st touch away from pressure
- scanning environment (shoulder checking - have a plan before ball arrives)
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Technical - opening up & receiving on back foot (15 mins)
Technical - opening up/receiving side-on. 3 players, 1 worker & 2 target players. Worker receives ball played from left side to receive with their right foot (back foot). Work for 45 seconds and switch the worker. Let all players practice, then race. If groups of 4, have them play a long pass & go support in middle, opening up to both targets, and playing back to same end they started at. Don't change ends, stay on same side. If groups of 5, can pass around a square or have passing lines in groups of 5, just like what I have described for groups of 4.
Instruction points :
- reinforce all passing/receiving points, especially "toe up/heel down" to receive.
- prepare feet to receive by being on balls of feet, not on heels
- open up early, last 2-3 steps should have hips/shoulders open to both targets
- don't turn back on the ball. Always be able to see the ball
- take touch in direction you are trying to play & pass with same foot you receive with
- scan (shoulder-check)