Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Distribution With Hands (integrating Switching Play)

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Pro-Club: FAW Coach Ed

Rob Bailey

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Rob Bailey
Name: Rob Bailey
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Distribution With Hands 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Distribution With Hands 1
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Distribution With Hands 1 (5 mins)

Key Factors

  • Initially, allow the GK to complete their own version of the technique before starting to shape into correct technique. This will allow the session to start at the appropriate level.
  • Roll - ball in hand you are rolling with, opposite leg steps forward towards target player, rolling arm moves backwards, upper body turns with movement so opposite arm faces target player as well, knees bend lowering upper body towards floor, rolling arm moves back along the line of the body to release the ball as it becomes parallel to the floor and rolling hand should brush floor on follow through to ensure a smooth roll.
  • Javelin - ball held in throwing hand around shoulder of throwing arm, opposite leg steps forward towards target, opposite arm points toward target, as GK steps forward throwing arm is pushed forward from shoulder towards the target aiming for a spot on the floor 10 yards before target to enable control, release ball as arm straightens.
  • Overarm - ball held in hand about waist level, opposite leg steps forward towards target, opposite arm aims at target, as GK steps forward throwing arm stays straight whilst moving behind body in a circular motion coming up past ear, release the ball as it passes ear, vary the angle of delivery to alter projectory.


  • Two GK on opposite sides of the penalty box with a supply of balls
  • Coaching position is central to allow observation of both GK technique.
  • GK serve the ball to each other initially using the roll technique, then the javelin, then the overarm and finally choose which technique themselves. This would ensure repetition and opportunities to hone the technique.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Distribution With Hands 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Distribution With Hands 2
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Distribution With Hands 2 (10 mins)

Key Factors

  • The aim of the session is distribution with hands focussing on the principle of switching play.
  • This progression will focus on the technique required to transition from the goalkeeper defending to attacking so the following must be worked on -
  • Stay in relation to the ball
  • Receiving the ball to allow swift transitions
  • Situational & positional awareness
  • Ball Speed
  • Focus on target
  • Decision making skills - which technique to use - roll, javelin or overarm?
  • Quality and accuracy of delivery
  • Coaching feedback to be concurrent, positive and look to use questioning as often as possible utilising 'how' and 'what' questions.


  • Two GK, three outfield players, three 12 x 6 goals and twelve footballs all positioned in a half pitch as per diagram. Coach is initially positioned behind the goal near the far post but this would change to the centre circle depending on what he wanted to observe.
  • Both GK take it in turns to receive deliveries from the three outfield who have four balls each. Upon catching the ball the GK distributes evenly between goals 1,2 and 3 using three different throwing techniques - passes from A go to goal 3, passes from B go to goal 2 and passes from C go to goal 1. After four deliveries from each outfield players the GK change place and follow the same pattern.
  • When GK change back the GK are given the choice of which goal and technique they distribute to

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Distribution With Hands 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Distribution With Hands 3
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Distribution With Hands 3 (15 mins)

Key Factors

  • Coaching feedback to be concurrent, positive and focus on 'what' and 'how' style questions
  • Stay in relation to the ball
  • Is GK quickly ready to distribute upon safe collection of delivery?
  • Receiving the ball to allow swift transitions from defending to attacking
  • Situational & positional awareness
  • Ball Speed
  • Focus on target
  • Decision making skills - which technique to use - roll, javelin or overarm?
  • Quality and accuracy of delivery.


  • Two GK in a half pitch with fullsize goals, three outfield players, six 12 x 6 goals and twelve footballs.
  • Coaching position is initially behind full size goal but this may alternate to a more central position near the centre circle depending on what is being observed.
  • Players (including resting GK) take turns to serve to GK who completes his defensive roll by collecting the ball and transitions into his attacking roll by distributing with hands into a goal on the opposite side of the pitch initially as directed by the coach ' near', 'middle' and 'far' calls. GK rotate after receiving three deliveries from each player.
  • Progress to receive delivery from one side and distribute to other side in a goal of GK choice depending on his situational awareness
  • Progress to to receive delivery and distribute to a goal that isn't covered by a non striking player - award points for all successful targets achieved for competitive element.

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