Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Double Pass/ Combination

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Pro-Club: RBNY Academy Inc

Roy Muriel

Profile Summary

Roy Muriel
Name: Roy Muriel
City: Paterson
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1


1. Open area (half of field max), setup as shown

2. 3 groups of 4 players

3. 1 ball per group (three)


1. Players must pass and move around the area

2. Players are not permitted to play to those in their group

3. After a pass is made quickly go and find the next pass to receive

Coaching Points:

1. Combination selection

2. Timing of the combination

3. Play at speed

4. Read visual cues


1. P – Add more balls so combinations must be made quick

2. P – Players must receive from one color and play to different color

3. R – Start with the ball in hand to establish movevents of give and go or overlap

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2
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Screen 2

Organization: Split team into groups of 3

10 x 30 yards

Instructions: Player B will pass the ball to player A player A will give it back tp player B. Player b now sends a long pass t player C. Player C will play player A, Player A gives it back to Player C, Player C goes long to player B. Repeat after certain amount of reps or time intervals.

Coaching Points:

1)Player A needs to check in and give support after the long pass.

2)Weight of the pass in order to reach target

3)Receive sideways on


One touch passes

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3
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Screen 3

Organization: Same set up as before

Instructions: Target game add a 4 player to the activity.

Player inside the grid has to find opposite color to gain point

Player inside can pass back as many times as possible to create angle to receive ball

Coaching Points:

1) Check shoulder

2) Recognize when to play back

3) take forward toaward target if no pressure

4) Receive off back foot

5) Player on outside can not play long to other player on outside


1 touch from players on outside

3 touches middle players

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4
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Screen 4


1. 30 x 20 yard area setup as shown

2. 4 players (1 A ttacker,1 Defender,2 Plus One’s) setup as shown

3. 1 ball(Additional around the area


1. Plus-ones for the attacking team starts w ith the ball(m arked 1 in the diagram )

2. Plus-ones for each team are only perm itted to stay w ithin the defensive halfofthe field

3. Plus-ones are notperm itted to tackle or score

4. Attacker must check to the ball and attempts to score in the goal

5. The attacker has the option of using the plus one to combine if they choose

6. If the ball leaves the area the game restarts with the opposition’s plus-one

7. If defending team w ins the ball they attack the opposite goal

8. Plus-ones can be tackled if defending player chooses to defend them

9. Rotate players after set time intervals

Coaching Points:

1. Check to the ball

2. Receive sideways on

3. Knowing when to turn and when to shield

4. If defender is tightlook to receive the ballin the space behind with a double pass


1. P – Lim t the plus-one to one or two touches

2. R – Allow attacking player one free touch to receive the ball before defending player is permitted to


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 5

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 5
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Screen 5


1. 40 x 25 yard area setup as shown

2. 12 players (2 team s o f5 players,2 goalkeepers)setup as show n

3. 1 ball( Additional around the outside)


In stru ctio n s:

1. Teams play 2v2 to goal

2. The game starts by the attacking team dribbling the ball into the area

3. After each attempt on goal a new attacking team starts the game from behind the goal

4. The team that just attacked stays on the field to become the new defending team

5. The other players rotate back to their own goa land await their next attempt to attack

6. If the ball leaves the area the game is restarted with a kick in

Coaching Points:

1. Attack quickly to create numbers up when possible

2. If counter attack is not an option maintain possession

3. 1st attacker to penetrate with shot,dribble or pass

4. Use ofcom bination to penetrate

5. Runs away from the ball to create 1v1 situation

6. Play at speed


1. P – Allow teams to stay on and play 2v2 with no transition

2. R – Add a neutral to create 3v2 for each attacking team

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button