Hockey Session (Senior): Deep Defence

Profile Summary

Luke Hansford
Name: Luke Hansford
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Critical moment marking

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Critical moment marking
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Critical moment marking (5 mins)

Use as a warm-up

If rugby tackle pads are available, use those instead of a 1v1 initially and just use them to lean on player and get them used to the physical pressure

  • If not available continue

Rounds of 20-30 seconds

Critical Moment Marking:

  • Using a tennis ball, 4 players pass the ball around the outside randomly (not into the middle)
  • 1v1 in the middle, aim is to use their body and stick fairly to gain an advantage and get in front of the other player

Looking for:

  • Getting more comfortable making contact with player
  • Getting used to making body larger fairly

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): CMM with simple feed

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): CMM with simple feed
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CMM with simple feed (5 mins)

How it works:

  • Players in the middle try and receive the ball from 1 side of the square and get it to the other without losing the ball
  • Whoever makes the final pass out of the square gets the ball back from the players on the outside
  • 2 in the middle play for 30-45 seconds then swap
  • 1 point for going from 1 side to the other
  • Important the square is small, want extreme pressure on receive and to encourage CMM 
Looking for:
  • CMM: low stick, using body to gain advantage fairly
  • Receive: First touch to eliminate? First touch to secure? First touch to space?

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): CMM in front of goal

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): CMM in front of goal
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CMM in front of goal (10 mins)

How it works:

  • Lots of balls in the middle of the 23
  • Players queue where player X is
  • Player 1 and 2 start on the throwdown/P spot
  • Player X passes into grey area (not to a specific player)
  • Once ball is played in by player X, whoever has/gets the first touch of the ball is trying to score and the other is defending
    • No set attacker and defender before you start
    • Players can't receive outside the grey area
  • Defender stays in until they get to the ball first


H - 1 defender and 1 attacker each time if not working with contested option

A - If players leading away from goal too much rather than looking to receive in Zone 5, make a smaller D

N - 1v1 becomes a 2v1 when the feeder joins once ball has been played in 

Looking for:

  • Winning the physical battle, win the ball before the receive by being in a better position than the other player
  • Stick low, not at waist height, lowers centre of gravity, makes change of direction easier
  • Use legs to widen stance on receive and make it harder for other player to get in front


All 3 D's (A, B and C) can all go at once, same thing in each D.

If less than 3 GKs, still use 3 goals, reps of receiving under pressure is the focus, shooting is added bonus

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Deep Defence 3v3v3

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Deep Defence 3v3v3
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Deep Defence 3v3v3

How it works:

  • 3 teams of 3
  • 1 team feeds, 1 team attacks, 1 team defends (10 attacks per team)
  • Feeders can pass between themselves (like a high transfer) if no circle pass is available
  • 1 attacker at all times must be in "Zone 5"
    • More than 1 allowed also
    • Players can interchange whenever they choose
  • Each team has a designated points counter

Points system
  • +1 for winning a PC
  • +2 for a touch within zone 5
  • +3 for goal
  • +5 for a first-time finish 

  • +1 for winning the ball and 
  • +1 for connecting with a feeder
  • +3 for winning the ball in zone 5
  • +5 for good CMM (coach's/feeeder's discretion) 

  • Attackers can bounce the ball back to a feeder and everytime they do, that specific feeder can join to create an overload (once = 4v3, twice = 5v3, thrice = 6v3)

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Win with comms

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Win with comms
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Win with comms (20 mins)

How it works:

  • Orange player passes the ball into grey zone then ball is live 
  • 4v2 until the ball crosses the 23, then 2 more defenders can join to make 4v4
  • Defenders are looking to score in goals out wide (can score from anywhere in the 23 but outside the circle
  • No sidelines or long corners, new ball

Looking for:

  • ATT: Can we eliminate without engaging
  • ATT: Ballside direct height, helpside to zone 5
  • ATT: Can we get 2 players to zone 5
  • DEF: Point, name, action in defence
  • DEF: Can we slow it down to allow us to return to even numbers?
  • DEF: CMM in circle, physical defending
  • H: Defenders score/finish the rep by completing a pass to a player outside the 23 
  • N: 6v3 if too many stationary (and 3 join)
  • G: 3rd and 4th defender can enter the game once they've completed a point, name, action each (coach's discretion)

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): High Transfer into the Circle

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): High Transfer into the Circle
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High Transfer into the Circle (20 mins)

Looking for CMM

If free, hold hotline first (line to goal) and step to wide play along it

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button