Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Pro Club Warm Ups (Start Time: 2020-05-01 16:40:00)

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Nicholas Cuff

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Nicholas Cuff
Name: Nicholas Cuff
City: Cambridge
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Chelsea FC Activation Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Chelsea FC Activation Warm Up
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Chelsea FC Activation Warm Up (5 mins)

Chelsea FC Activation Warm Up


- Players are in 4 groups of 4 players (x2 groups working at A. x2 groups working at B)

- 2x 12yard stations (A & B)

- Each player has x4 attempts before swapping over to undertake other session

Station A:

- 1. Player starts with the ball, dribbles to half way line (marked by cones)

- 2. Passes the ball to the front player of the other group

- 3. Turns and sprints to poles before dodging in and out poles and rejoining back of the line

- 4. This process is repeated. Each player completes the process x 4 attempts.

Station B:

- 1. Player starts with the ball, dribbles to half way line (marked by cones)

- 2. Passes the ball to the front player of the other group

- 3. Turns and sprints to pole before rejoining back of the line

- 4. This process is repeated by the player at the other end. Each player completes the process x 4 attempts.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FC Barcelona Coordination Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FC Barcelona Coordination Warm Up
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FC Barcelona Coordination Warm Up (10 mins)

FC Barcelona Coordination Warm Up


- Players split into 2x 8 players (2 groups of 8)

- 1 group working on Station A, other group working on Station B. Each player completes staion x4

attempts before whole group swaps to other station.

- Hurdles placed 1 yard apart in 4 x 2 rows.

Station A:

- 1. Players start at top of hurdles.

- 2. Players lead with left leg and travel laterally through and over hurdles, turning at each pole to

ensure they are always facing forward whilst leading with left leg.

- 3. At final pole, player sprints 10 yards to red gate.

- 4. Player walks back to point 1. to complete the process x 4 times.

Station B:

- 1. Players start at top of hurdles.

- 2. Players lead with left leg to start and travel laterally through and over hurdles, turning at each

pole to ensure they are always facing backward, they lead with alternate leg for each row..

- 3. At final pole, player sprints 10 yards to red gate.

- 4. Player walks back to point 1. to complete the process x 4 times.

- Once each player has completed the station x4 times, the whole groups swaps to other station.

- Groups ensure they complete stations for a second time. On Station A (second time), players lead

with right leg.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tottenham Activation Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tottenham Activation Warm Up
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Tottenham Activation Warm Up (5 mins)

Tottenham Hotspur Activation Warm Up


- Players split into groups of 2x8

- Each group starts behind 4 poles

- Coach is in front of poles 10 yards away.

Station A:

- 1. Player weaves through poles

- 2. Player recieves firm pass from coach and plays first time return pass to coach

- 3. Player then sprints through gate 15 yards behind coach, before joiining end of other line

Station B:

- Identical to station A

- Players complete both stations 6 - 8 times.

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button