Matthew Jones
Name: | Matthew Jones |
City: | Wrexham |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
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Key Factors
The purpose of this drill is to build on the work complete in the tehcnial drill but this time, pressure is added in the form of opposition reducing the space and time a player has to be able to successfully comple their passes. The movement of players is once again a key factor as well as ball speed, and accurate passing.
Using the same teams as the technical drill, set up an area that is suitable for amount of players.
Position 1 team spread around the outside of the area. The two other teams are positioned inside the area. The coach starts with the ball.
The two teams inside the area must play agaisnt each other to keep possession, using the players on the outside as spare player for wall passes. In this animation that makes this a 4v4+4. The outisde players can move up and down the line and are restricted to two touches.
The aim is for a team to achieve 6 undisturbed passes to score a goal.
Play for 90 seconds and rotate the outside team. Play 6 sets so that each team has two go's on the outside.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Key Factors
The purpose of this drill is to build on the work done in the previous two drills and to focus the players attention on breaking line with passes and the understanding of when to play through, when to play around and when to keep possession and be patient. Also focus on the defending players and their attitude and ability to apply pressure ad win the ball back.
Using the same teams as the previous drill set up an area that is suitbale for the age and number of players. This area should be split into three. Two larger end zones split by a narrower central zone. The central zone should then have coned off wide areas.
Split the teams so that theres a team in each of the end zones and a team in te centre of the central zone.
The coach starts with a collection of balls and plays a ball into one of the end zones. On the receiving players first touch, two players from the central zone break out to press the ball and try and win it back.
The possession team must the make 5 passes and pass the ball across to the opposite end zone, the session then repeats with different defenders breaking out. The players within the central zone can intercept a ball being palyed throug the central area. A team that plays a pass though this central zone gets two gols, if they play around it they get one. No pass above had hight is permitted.
Play for 90 seconds and thn rotate the middle team, play 9 sets (3 sets in the middle each) adkeep score,
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Key Factors
The purpose of this drill is for the players to bring everything they have devleoped in the previous drills into a game related practice.
Set up a playing area suitbale for the number and age of the players, using the same teams as the previous drills. Two teams are in the main playing area and one team spread around the outside. The two teams in the area play against each other, and can use the outside players to combine with. If a goal is scored, the team that scored keep possession with their keeper re-starting the game.
All balls to be placed in each goal, if the ball goes out, the ball starts with the opposite goalkeeper.
The outside players are restricted to two tocuhes and play for the team in possession. Games last 2 minutes and teams get 3 points for a win and 1 for a draw. Run through 9 games so each team plays eachother 3 times.
Possible rules may include:
- 3 goals for a volley/header
- 2 goals for a first time finish
- Extra goal for 10 consecutive passes
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Technical Drill
Key Factors
The purpose of this drill is to focus the players on passig and receiving and be able to see through the chaos and play passes that break lines in an unopposed situation. This drill will also test the players ability to pass with quality whilst being stretched mentally.
Split the players up into 3 equal teams (dont worry if there is one extra in a team). The players will stay in these teams for the duration of the session. Set up an area that is suitable for the age and number of the players.
In this first drill, each team has a ball and players have to move around the area passing and receiving with their team mates in the same colour bibs. Introduce the following conditions:
- Pass with the same foot you receive.
- Pass with the opposite foot youve received.
- Pass with the inside of your foot.
- Pass with the outside of your foot.
Play 3 sets of 1 minute and coach inbetween each set about movement and passing accuracy.
Progressions, introduce the following progressions to stretch the players mentally and judge weather the quality of passing remains consistent or deteriorates. Play 3 sets of 1 minute for each progression.
1) players must play a pass to a player on a different team.
2) Players must play passes in sequecne, for example if they are a green and receive the ball from a red, they must play the next pass to a blue.