Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Playing out from the back (Start Time: 2018-08-16 20:00:00)

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Andrew Hughes

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Andrew Hughes
Name: Andrew Hughes
City: Birmingham
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up
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Warm up (20 mins)

Players perform the double touch stepover.

Encourage arms up, to make the stepover believeable.

When comfortable move into squares.

Description: Play starts with first player dribbling away from the middle white cone (cone acts as a reference for defender later on) and towards red or blue cone. As they travel towards the cone, the limited pressure defender will also travel towards the cone; when the defender is on the shoulder of the player with the ball, they will perform a step over and then pass the ball to their team mate who is waiting by the white cone.

During this time they should have checked away from the defender (white cone) and oriented their body to allow them to play towards the other colour cone.

Change starting positions to ensure technical and att/def ratios.


To have ABCs (angle, body, check) of passing and receiving.

To have a change of direction available to use if passing options are limited and we are being pressured.

Coaching points:

Passing ABCs-

Angle (of the pass) - work out where to pass to? Where is the safe side? What foot should you be passing to?

Body shape - get your body into a position where you can strike the ball cleanly, with accuracy

Check - is the player ready? Are they in space (have they checked away?) Is the path clear/are there any obstructions?

Receiving ABCs -

Angle - where is the ball coming from? Get into a position to receive (clear sight to ball). Can I see both goals?

Body shape - open up your body so you can play one touch into space

Check - Are you under pressure? Has the picture changed (can you do what you planned)?

Move to recieve.

Call for the ball.

Appropriate speed on ball.


Limited pressure defender must tag the player with the ball before they get to the cone. (Increased intensity and speed)

Competition first team to x passes.

Play off three touches total.

Play a wall pass around the cone.

Add transition, from limited pressure to become next receiver, from passer to next limited pressure defender.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core skills - unopposed pattern

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core skills - unopposed pattern
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Core skills - unopposed pattern (20 mins)

Add a striker if enough numbers.


GK plays out to the CB, who plays to CM, then winger, who plays to forward.

Ensure there is tehnical balance and GKs are tested equally.


To learn some patterns of play for playing out from the back.

To develop the ABCs of playing out from the back.

Coaching points:

Passing ABCs-

Angle (of the pass) - work out where to pass to? Where is the safe side? What foot should you be passing to?

Body shape - get your body into a position where you can strike the ball cleanly, with accuracy

Check - is the player ready? Are they in space (have they checked away?) Is the path clear/are there any obstructions?

Receiving ABCs -

Angle - where is the ball coming from? Get into a position to receive (clear sight to ball). Can I see both goals?

Body shape - open up your body so you can play one touch into space. Are you able to play with your back foot? 

Check - Are you under pressure? Has the picture changed (can you do what you planned)? 

Move to recieve.

Call for the ball.

Appropriate speed on ball.



Play one touch

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Playing out from the back - opposed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Playing out from the back - opposed
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Playing out from the back - opposed (20 mins)


Have CBs take their position, a well as the two CMs. CMs play 2 v 1 in the box and look to play the ball out to the winger.

Add in a ST to put pressure on the CBs.

Encourage the GK to support the play.

If Oop team win the ball, attack the big goal.

Ensure there is technical balance and GKs are tested equally.


To test our ABCs in a more realistic situation.

Coaching points:

Play to receiver's safe side.

Move the ball faster when you are under pressure.

Use your change of direction moves if there are no free passes.

Passing ABCs-

Angle (of the pass) - work out where to pass to? Where is the safe side? What foot should you be passing to?

Body shape - get your body into a position where you can strike the ball cleanly, with accuracy

Check - is the player ready? Are they in space (have they checked away?) Is the path clear/are there any obstructions?

Receiving ABCs -

Angle - where is the ball coming from? Get into a position to receive (clear sight to ball). Can I see both goals?

Body shape - open up your body so you can play one touch into space

Check - Are you under pressure? Has the picture changed (can you do what you planned)?

Move to recieve.

Call for the ball.

Appropriate speed on ball.


Add ST to pressure the defenders.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Playing out from the back - SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Playing out from the back - SSG
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Playing out from the back - SSG (30 mins)


Play a match, defenders vs attackers.

Each time ball goes out of play, start from Goal Kick.

(Use wide players if necessary)


To test our ABCs in a game.

Coaching points:

Play to receiver's safe side.

Move the ball faster when you are under pressure.

Use your change of direction moves if there are no free passes.

Encourage the GK to support the play.

Try to pass the halfway line/have an end product so there is some purpose to our passes. It should help negate any pressure on us.

Passing ABCs-

Angle (of the pass) - work out where to pass to? Where is the safe side? What foot should you be passing to?

Body shape - get your body into a position where you can strike the ball cleanly, with accuracy

Check - is the player ready? Are they in space (have they checked away?) Is the path clear/are there any obstructions?

Receiving ABCs -

Angle - where is the ball coming from? Get into a position to receive (clear sight to ball). Can I see both goals?

Body shape - open up your body so you can play one touch into space

Check - Are you under pressure? Has the picture changed (can you do what you planned)?

Move to recieve.

Call for the ball.

Appropriate speed on ball.


Wingers to come out of their zone. Must start in, but can move inside if ball is played to them. (Killer pass, killer movement)

Play even, mixed teams. After each goal, team keeps possession and direction of play changes.

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