Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Defensive skills

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Pro-Club: FAW Coach Ed

Daryl Jenkins

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Daryl Jenkins
Name: Daryl Jenkins
City: Caerphilly
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Development activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Development activity
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Development activity

Key Factors

  • Block 1 (0-4mins) - No ball required - tag game. As soon as the red player moves off the line, the blue player can move off the flat disk.The aim is for the defender (blue player) to tag the red player. The aim for the attacker (red player) is to not get tagged before runningthrough either of the two gates at the end of the channel. 
  • Block 2 (4-10mins) Introduce a ball and as the attacker takes their first touch the defender can press. The red attacker must attempt todribble through either of the pole gates. If the blue defender wins the ball back, they shoot in either of the mini goals. 
  • Conditions:- On the movement of the attacker the defender can press.- Alternate position - once the attacker has attempted to dribble through the gate then they become the defender and the originaldefender becomes the attacker. 
  • Progressions (make harder):- Make the area size larger.- Create a 2v1 in the attacker's favour.- Only use one mini goal for the defender to score in. 
  • Regressions (make easier):- Use a safe zone at the start for the attacker.- Use one pole gate for the attacker - making it easier for the defender


  • Area Size:10 x 20 - distances can vary dependant onconditions/progressions. 
  • Players:14 to 16 in total.To allow players to experience repetition - two of these stationsshould be set up (two groups of 7/8 players). 
  • Timings:10 Minutes in totalAlternate defender and attacker after every attempt.4-10 minutes - introduce a ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Development activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Development activity
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Development activity

Key Factors

  • Red player dribbles with the ball and shoots. As the ball either goes into the goal or out of play the blue attacker starts his/her runthrough the gate and attacks the opposite goal. The red player then makes a recovery run to defend and apply pressure on the blueattacker. 
  • This sequence continues each side. Until the first team to score eight goals. 
  • Conditions:- The attacker must not start until a goal is scored or the ball is out of play.- 
  • Attackers must start behind the flat disk and go through the pole gates. 
  • Progressions (make harder):- Allow the attacker to be closer to the gate.- Allow attacker to score from anywhere.- Make it a 2v1 or a 2v2 and possibly must make a pass before scoring. 
  • Regressions (make easier):- The attacker must enter the scoring shaded zone before shooting to allow the defender to recover.- Make it a 2v1 in the defender's favour.


  • Area Size:20x20 Total10x20 each section. 
  • Players:14-16 players in total - intense practice, therefore one drill for allplayers is enough repetition as the drill is physically demanding.However, two of these drills can be set up if there are too many players within the session.Timings:15 Minutes in total.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small sided game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small sided game
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Small sided game

Key Factors

  • Reds are currently in control - if they score in the mini goal it counts as a goal and they stay in their position (defending the large goal).If the blues score in the large goal against the goalkeeper, the teams switch and then the blues are in control. Only goals scored inthe main goal count as a goal as the team is in control. 
  • Conditions:
  • Normal game apart from no corners for the team in control (attacking the mini goals).- 
  • Emphasis is on the defending team (blue) who are defending the large goal.- 
  • Team attacking the large goal to be encouraged to take players on in 1v1 situations. 
  • Progressions (make harder):- Reduce the amount of mini goals.- Allow an overload for the team attacking the large goal. 
  • Regressions (make easier):- Have a neutral player.- Allow players to dribble in from a throw in


  • Area Size:48 yards x 35 yards 
  • Players:14 players in total. 
  • Timings:Small sided game (30 mins)35 minutes in total.2 x 17 mins with 1 min recovery for players and for coaches to give instruction/technical detail.

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