Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): School Session

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Alex Meek

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Alex Meek
Name: Alex Meek
City: Merthyr Tydfil
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up (Phase 1)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up (Phase 1)
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Warm-up (Phase 1) (15 mins)


Participants run around inside the marked area avoiding bumping into each other and also dodging, weaving and avoidng the cones placed on the ground inside the area.

5 Minutes - 2 minute intervals, 1 minute rest with stretching between sets. During Stretching period, educate participants on the importance of a warm-up and stretching before exercise.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up (Phase 2)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up (Phase 2)
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Warm-up (Phase 2) (15 mins)

10 Minutes.

Same Concept as Phase 1, only difference being that all players now have a ball. PLAYERS MUST NAME THEIR BALL AND PROTECT IT FROM HITTING ANY CONES OR OTHER PLAYERS AS THIS WILL HURT THEIR BALL AND NOBODY WANTS THEIR BALL TO GET HURT. This should automatically tell the learner that they need to keep the ball close to them in order to protect it.

Coaching Points for now are limited as this is a free play just tell players to keep the ball close to their feet and that they do not have to run and dibble. Walking and Dribble is fine for now as this is also a great way for the coach to determine the level of ability of the players they are working with.

Coaching Points:

- Small Touches

- Not a race so go slow and do it right rather than fast and incorrect

- Avoid bumping into other players, cones.

- Each player has 3 lives, if their ball leaves the area they lose a life (They keep their on score).

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 1
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Activity 1 (15 mins)

20 minutes. Divided into 4 smaller drills each 5 minutes each, this is done to work on different dribbling techniques. (I.E. 0-5 mins = practice left foot, right foot, inside of foot, outside and under foot/ ball roll, 5-10 mins = right foot only, 10-15 = left foot only, 15-20 = mini competitions, 30 seconds to go through as many gates).

- Same Concept as Warm-up.

- Cones inside the area have been moved to create gates (this is done when participants are having a water break).

What to do:

0-5 minutes = demonstrate different ways to dribble and allow players to have a practice of each. (Left Foot, Right Foot, Inside, Outside and Bottom of foot).

5-10 minutes = Right Foot Only. Count how many gates you go through without bumping into anyone or any of the cones. (Divide 5 minutes into 30secs-1minute intervals in order for player rest and to coach new techniques or pose more challenges).

10-15 minutes = Same as previous 5 minutes, but now LEFT FOOT ONLY.

15-20 minutes = Players can use both feet, bit more of a race and more competitive this section. Players must dribbling through 10 gates shouting out the number every time the dribble through. Players must dribbling through 5 gates with their left foot and 5 with thier right foot. Learning Basic counting skills, multi-task, concentrating on the ball and counting. Add 5 each time. Remind them that its about the taking part that counts and not about finishing first as this session is supposed to be fun and not competitive.

Coaching Points: Small Touches keeping the ball close to your feet at all times, Look up to see where your going, NOT ABOUT HOW FAST YOU CAN GO.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 2
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Activity 2 (15 mins)

Dribbling around within the area still avoiding the cones, other players and still going through the gates the players now have a "defender" in the area with them.

Players with the ball:

- Must take small touches in order to protect their ball.

- If their ball gets taken off them, they are NOT out, but they must retrieve their ball and dribbling through the 4 cones placed each side (Demonstration will be needed) Once the player has dribbled through the 4 cones they are allowed back into the area and can continue to dribble around going through the gates.

- Aim to protect the ball but taking small touches which will make it more difficult for the defender to hit their ball.

- The red lines/arrows indicate how the players will pass through the 4 cones in order to return to return to the area.


- The Coach will be the First Defender.

- The Defender is NOT allowed to run within the area can only walk to start (possible progression depending on overal ability of the group, can the defender Run).

- To tackle the players with the ball, the defender must gently throw a ball at the other players ball in order to get them out. (Demonstration will be needed).

- Change Defender every 30 secs - 1 minute.

- The ball does not have to be hit out of the area, just contact between the two footballs is needed in order to get someone out.

- Defender CANNOT throw the ball with force.

PROGRESSION if players with the ball are finding it too easy:

- Defender does not throw a ball anymore, but tackles and kicks the ball out of the area.

- Defender is allowed to run within the area.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 3
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Activity 3 (15 mins)

20 Minutes.

- All Players start at the same end on the Area with a ball.

- Straight line Dribble.

- 1 Defender to start.


- Players must try to dribble from one end to the other without their ball being taken off them by the defender.

- If the defender gets your ball and kicks out of the area, then you also become a defender with them.

- Players can only dribble from one end to the other one the coaches whistle (to avoid any collision in the middle). All players must be at the same end to start and can only return once all players have made left the one side. (if all players start on the left, all players must have attempted to get to the right before they can return to the left side).

- If the defender tackles you but your ball does not leave the area you are allowed to continue.

- Game is over when all players have been tackled, it is then restarted with a new defender in the middle.


- Dribble at high speed.

- Vision to find where the space is there are zero defenders.

- Ball control when dribbling fast.

- Ability to accelerate and deccelerate whilst dribbling.

Coaching Points:

- Maintain ball control, use small touchers to keep control, but use slightly larger touches when there is open space (No Defender in the way). Aim to keep the ball within 2-3 yards of you when taking bigger touches.

For the last 5 Minutes, If all participants have been well behaved and gave 100% effort, allow them to have a free play 5 minute game with 2 teams. This will also allow the coach to see if any techniques or skills that were covered in the session can be done in a real game situation. Coach get can involved and create an even more fun enviornment for the learners.

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