Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Defensive Transition

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Am-Club: Nanaimo United FC

John George

Profile Summary

John George
Name: John George
City: Nanaimo
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up Game
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Warm Up Game (15 mins)

Set Up: 3v3-6v6. 24x36 with GKs optional

Conditions: Allow the players to lead this warm up game - no stopping for coaching, just get them organized and let them take ownership of rules, teams etc

Session Aims: To give players 10-15 minutes of free play which emulates playground soccer games. Coaches should clearly explain what the theme for the night is so that players can start to experiment and discover what works even within this initial warm up game. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tactical

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tactical
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Set Up:            This session is very much a coach led session

  • Divide the grid into 3 parts. 
  • Coach stand to the side to play a ball in when needed (If Possible You can also have a player do this job as well) 

Session Aims: 

    The aim of the game is to work together in pairs to find thebest way to score. While defenders are encouraged to defend high and keep theiropponents away from shooting distance.

    One pair starts with the ball in the middle area. They play2v2 against another couple who are defending the goal. If the attack ends dueto a goal or the defenders winning the ball the defenders then becomeattackers. They run forward to play 2v2 against the third pair in the otherhalf.

    If the attack finishes because the defending team winspossession back, they can immediately counter.

    Meanwhile, the original attackers drop back and wait tobecome defenders when a 2v2 emerges in their half again.

    The same process is repeated in the other half, too.

Coaching Points:

  • 4 D's (Close Down, Slow Down, Low Down, Eyes Down)
  • Body shape on approach 


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Like

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Like
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Game Like

Session Aims:

Add players in to making it more game realistic.

Coaching Points:

  • 4 D's (Close Down, Slow Down, Low Down, Eyes Down)
  • Body shape on approach

  • Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Finial - Game

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    Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Finial - Game
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    Finial - Game (30 mins)

    Set Up:
    • 3v3/6v6.
    • 24x34 pitch.

    :: Use normal rules of the game such as corners, throw ins or kick ins etc...

    :: Reinforce the session theme and praise when you see good moments

    :: Try not to stop the game too much as this is a chance for players to use what they have learned in a game environment

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    Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

    Play animation
    Play step-by-step
    Repeat (toggle)
    Full Screen

    Back/Forward: Drag timeline button