Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): U12 drills

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Mark Coakley
Name: Mark Coakley
City: Saint John
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5v2 Rotating defenders

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5v2 Rotating defenders
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5v2 Rotating defenders

Set up:

1. Create a 15x15yd grid.

2. Have a good supply of balls ready.

3. 5 pinnies for attackers.


1. Defenders line up in pairs outside of the grid.

2. The first 2 defenders pass the ball into an attacker and enter the grid.

3. The attackers try to make 6 consecutive passes.

4. If the defenders win the ball or kick it out of the grid before the 6 passes are completed then the attackers must do 5 push-ups.

5. If the attackers complete 6 consecutive passes then the defending pair must do 5 push-ups.

6. Every 5 min switch attackers and defenders and repeat.

6. To make it more challenging increase the pass count, make grid smaller or add another defender.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): The

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): The
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The "Gauntlet of fireballs"

Set up:

1. Create a 20x15yd grid.

2. Make four lanes with orange disc cones. 5yds between cones.

3. Put down three yellow disc cones to be the starting points for each line of dribblers.


1. Have 2 players in each lane on the end lines facing each other.

2. Players must not step over the end lines and must stay in their lanes.

3. Start the "Gauntlet" by having the players pass back and forth in their lane. The ball represents a "Fireball".

4. The dribbling players each have a ball.

5. The dribbling players try to get through the "Gauntlet" without being hit by a "Fireball".

6. Remind the passing players to keep the ball rolling on the ground and not in the air.

7. Remind passing players to at first pass back and forth without necessarily trying to hit a dribbling player.

8. If a dribbling player makes it through the "Gauntlet" they go around the outside of the grid and back to their line to try again.

9. After 2-3 attempts switch the lane passers with the dribblers and repeat.

10. Progression: Now allow the passers to try to hit the dribblers ball. The passers must still keep the passes in their own lanes.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressing rondo

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressing rondo
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Pressing rondo

Set up:

1. Create a 20yd x 30yd grid.

2. Split the grid in half with disc cones.

3. Have 5 red players start in one grid and 5 blue players in the other grid.


1. Have the red team start passing within their own grid. Send in a blue defender immediately to press and try to win the ball and dribble or pass the ball back to their own grid.

2. Every 4-5 passes the blue team will send in another defender. 

3. After another 4-5 passes the blue team will send in another defender.

4. This continues until the blue team wins possession and brings the ball back to their own grid.

5. Once the blue team has the ball back in their own grid the red team will immediately send in a defender to press and try to win the ball.

6. After every 4-5 passes the red team will send in another defender until they can win possession and bring the ball back to their own grid and so on.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4v4 Passing through lines

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4v4 Passing through lines
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4v4v4 Passing through lines

Set up:

1. Create a 30yd x 20yd grid. Split into 3 equal grids.

2. Have three teams of 4 players in each grid.


1. Start with the red team passing the ball within their own grid until they can find a pass through the defenders to the far grid. If successful 1 point is awarded.

2. The blue team now passes within their own grid until they can find a pass through the middle zone to the far grid.

3. If the defenders in the middle grid block the pass or win the ball then they switch grids with the team who gave the ball away and that team now becomes the defenders.

4. Progression: To make it more challenging have the middle team send in one defender to pressure the ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Traffic Jam

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Traffic Jam
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Traffic Jam

Set up:

1. Create a 15yd x 15yd grid.

2. Have each player with a ball.

3. Have players spread out around the grid.


1. On coaches command "Go!", the players try to dribble to the opposite side of the grid without running into another player.

2. Ask the players to keep their heads up and keep the ball close while dribbling.

3. Repeat 3-4 times.

4. Challenge the players to increase their speed without having a collision.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Diamond passing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Diamond passing
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Diamond passing

Set up:

1. Create a diamond shape with disc cones. 10 yd long and 10 yd wide.

2. Have players line up at the top and bottom of the diamond.


1. In option#1, the first player in line passes across to the opposite side.

2. The player then runs around the outside cone and to the back of the line on the opposite side.

3. The player who receives the ball now passes to the opposite side and runs around the cone on the left side to the back of the other line.

4. In option#2, the first player in line passes across to the opposite side, then runs to the right cone and stops to receive a pass back, controls the ball and passes back then runs to the back of the opposite line.

5. The process repeats but now the player passes to the opposite side and runs to the left cone, receives a pass, passes back then runs to the back of the other line.

6. All passes should be 2 touch (receive then pass).

7. Progression: If players master the 2 touch passing, progress to 1 touch passing.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Breakaway with pressure

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Breakaway with pressure
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Breakaway with pressure

Set up:

1. Have a net with a keeper.

2. Set up 2 cones 10 yd apart and 30 yd from the net.


1. Start a player at cone A and have the rest line up behind cone B.

2. On coach's command "GO!", the player at cone A will start a breakaway towards net.

3. At the same time the player at cone B tries to catch the player at cone A before they can score on net.

4. The player on the breakaway should focus on the task of scoring ignoring the pressure of the chasing player.

5. Make sure that every player attacks and defends.

6. Progression: To increase difficulty reduce the length between cones to 5 yds instead of 10 yds.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Angry Neighbors Rondo

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Angry Neighbors Rondo
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Angry Neighbors Rondo

Set up:

1. Create a circle of players with cones or use the center circle on the field.

2. Spread out players evenly around the outside of the circle.

3. Start 3 defenders in the middle of the circle.


1. Players on the outside must pass the ball keeping the ball away from the 3 defenders in the middle.

2. Players only get 2 touches.

3. If player A receives the ball they cannot pass to player B or C.

4. If player A makes a mistake by passing to player B or C, or if a defender intercepts the pass then player A , B and C replace the 3 defenders in the middle.

5. Try not to make your "neighbors" angry by making a poor pass!

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 to gates

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 to gates
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1v1 to gates

Set up:

1. Have players line up behind cone A and cone B.

2. Make a gate on the left and right side.


1. Player A passes to player B and runs in and applies pressure on the ball.

2. Player B must take a good first touch towards either gate and tries to dribble through the gate before the defender can cut them off.

3. Players switch lines after each turn.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Slalom dribbling course

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Slalom dribbling course
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Slalom dribbling course

Set up: 

1. Place 7 cones as shown in the diagram.

2. Each player has a ball.


1. Start at the right side gate.

2. Player dribbles through the slalom course as shown in the diagram,

3. Instruct players to dribble the ball with the inside and outside of both feet while keeping the ball close.

4. Make 2 slalom courses if need be because of numbers.

5. Progression: Start in the left side gate and reverse the pattern, right foot only, left foot only.

6. Keep the players time on a stopwatch.

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