Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Positional Game: Wide/Half Space Build-Up (6v3) (Start Time: 2021-11-08 08:20:00)

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Pro-Club: TASCO

Jed Garner

Profile Summary

Jed Garner
Name: Jed Garner
City: Dayton
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Build-Up (Defensive 3rd)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Build-Up (Defensive 3rd)
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Build-Up (Defensive 3rd) (15 mins)

  • Time:15-20 min
  • Dimensions:25x40yd
  • Players: 6v3
  • Task Description: The red team starts each possession from their RCB and looks to break through to the small goals. The blue team looks to press collectively and upon winning the ball, can earn a point by dribbling or passing into the central area beyond the cones. Focus here is on specific positional rotations. The RWB, CB, and LCM are located on the perimeter of the area, and must run their respective lines to find good angles of support. The RCB, RCM and CAM/ST are free to move in the space, but must be cognizant of each others positioning and maintain good cover/balance. Play for 5 minutes, and keep score. 
  • Coach Questions: How should you position yourself to best be

    able to play forward?...What can you do to help your team break the

    lines?...How can you open up space for you teammates?...What can you do to increase your options

    each time you receive the ball?

  • Coaching Cues: “Look to SPLIT, “Keep scanning”, “Check your shoulder”, “be active in space”, “find a window”, look for the free man
  • Progressions: Add small goals for the pressing team, open up play to big goal if pressing team wins the ball, touch limit, allow positional exchange by outside players.

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