Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Back to goal

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Premier Users' Club

(SOC) Israel Gaxiola

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(SOC) Israel Gaxiola
Name: (SOC) Israel Gaxiola
City: Rancho Santa Margari
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Back to goal 1v1s

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Back to goal 1v1s
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Back to goal 1v1s


3 players in a 15x8 grid
Defender (Green) starts on a corner

Attacker (White) starts in the middle of the gate

Passer (Black) plays at the top of grid

1) Attacker checks to Passer 
2) Passer plays into Attacker's feet
3) Defender decides whether to track the run or stay

4) Passer communicates with Attacker "Turn" or "Man on" etc.

5) Attacker must work to turn and dribble passed the Defender


Attacker allowed to bounce pass with passer to get around the press in the top of the grid (shaded area)

Rotate through the roles after 10 attemps


-Communication   - Movement to Receive    - Shoulder Check    -Decision Making

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button