Cristian Banaru
Name: | Cristian Banaru |
City: | Oakville |
Country: | Canada |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1v1 attacking
20x20 yards, as per diagram, 9 players minimum split in 2 groups (attacker and defenders)
balls, cones, pinnies
4 players (blue) in each corner of the grid with 4 balls
4 players (red) will defend each mini net
1 player in the center will demand the ball from any of the players in the corner. Once the ball is received, the player can attack any of the mini nets and the red player's job is to prevent the goal. The blue attacking player has to go 1v1 against the red player. If a goal is scored the attacking players continue by demanding the ball from another teammate placed in the corner. Once the ball is out of bounds or won by the red player, next player will go and attack. to maintain the flow the coach can instruct the red player, if they won the ball to become the attacker and the blue player who lost the ball will take his spot in the net
Progression: 2v1, 2v2 (once a red player is attacked he can call a red teammate from the closest net to help him defend
Coaching points:
attacking mentality
first touch reception
attacking the space, speed
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1v1 within the main SSG
A regular SSG is played on the main pitch. The small nets are set up in the corner with spare balls available
Number the players
Play the normal game. The coach calls out a team colour (Red) and a number (Four) (e.g. Red Four!). That player must get the ball from behind one of the small nets and attack the corner net opposite. The player with the same number from opposition (blue four) must go 1v1 against the player with the ball
The 1v1 goes on while the main SSG continues
2 goals from the same team can be scored at the same time (one in the 1v1 session and one in the main SSG). The 1v1 players must avoid the main game going on around them (and viceversa)
Coaching points:
all the above
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm-up (15 min) (15 mins)
Organization: as per diagram
balls, pinnies, cones
2 zones: the M zone (in the middle) and the C zone (circuit zone)
The M zone = Global game (dribbling)
The C zone = The Course (with 4 stations: 1, 2, 3, 4)
The Course must be done once knocked out of the game and should be completed with 65-80% intensity (alternate feet). Every player has 1 ball
The Global game: 3-5 defenders (red) vs. the rest of the players (blue). The blue players dribble the ball in the grid (20x20) for 2 minutes. The defenders will knock out as many players as possible. The players who get knocked out will perform the analytical circuit. After 2 minutes rotate the defenders. If the defenders will knock out all the players by the 2 min are up, they can rest.
During each circuit the coach can instruct the players to run the circuit with right, left (inside, outside) or sole of the foot
The same instruction can be given in the global game (right, left, inside, outside only) or sole of the foot.