Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): BUFC Trial Day #1 - Attacking Drills (With goalkeepers involved)

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George Read

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George Read
Name: George Read
City: Bangor
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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This is the outline for my session plan for our first trial day of the season for Bangor University Men's Football. I was originally tasked with running a session for just the goalkeepers, but last minute plans changed to include the goalkeepers with the attackers who we have on trial, so I've had to adapt a plan that can view the trialists showcase attacking abilities such as passing, control, movement, finishing, crossing, vision etc, while also allowing the goalkeepers to showcase shot stopping, distribution and crossing.

Numbers are uncertain for this session, so I've tried to plan drills than can be adjusted and used for small or large numbers, making sure that there is good ball rolling time and that players aren't stood still for too long.

The trial day is 4 hours long, and I'll need to be flexible as I'm unsure what the other coaches have planned for their departments (e.g. defenders and midfielders).

I plan to include plenty of rests as it is a long day, and I believe that the last hour or so of the trials will be small sided games.

Trial Day #2 is two days later, and will be 11 v 11 games, so Trial Day #1's aim is to trim the list of trialists down by seeing how well they do at technical and skill drills for their specific position.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Diamond Passing/Movement Drill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Diamond Passing/Movement Drill
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Diamond Passing/Movement Drill (20 mins)

Key Factors

  • Passing, receiving and turning with the ball that then advances to add one-twos, dribbling and movements.


  • Four cones mark a diamond shape for three players. Two stand on 'top' and 'bottom' cones of the diamond with one player in the middle.
  • Players pass to the player in the middle, who in as little touches as possible (two is the aim), they control the ball and make a pass to the opposite player.
  • This then advances to further simple drills once each player has had a turn in the middle (between 30 seconds and 2 mins each)


  • Player in centre receives ball and plays it straight back to player, before making run around the cone and receiving pass on the run and passing to new player.


  • Player receives ball to feet in centre, and dribbles around outside cone before passing to new player and returning to centre.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Box Possession Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Box Possession Game
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Box Possession Game (20 mins)

Key Factors

  • Box organised to correct size for number of players, goalkeepers play on outside
  • Aim is to maintain possession in the box, if possession is lost then new team must maintain the ball. Goalkeepers are neutral and must return ball to team who passed to them.


  • Players are split into two sides and have to maintain possession within the area, and can use the goalkeepers on the outside to help retain the ball.
  • ADVANCEMENTS: To add more of an aim beyond maintaining the ball, the players must get the ball from one goalkeeper to the goalkeeper on the opposite side. Touch or pass limits/minimums can be added to increase pressure too.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6-Shot Drill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6-Shot Drill
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6-Shot Drill (20 mins)

Key Factors

  • Six total shots are taken, with a mixture of service given to showcase different types of finishing.
  • Five players total participate in drill, one player shooting and the other four offering service


  • Three mannequins are placed on the edge of the area.
  • Shot 1: Player dribbles past mannequin and shoots with either foot.
  • Shot 2: Player moves to central mannequin. Teammate with ball passes to player, who chooses to turn left or right past mannequin before shooting.
  • Shot 3: Player returns to mannequin, and receives second pass from teammate but has to turn in the opposite direction and shoot with other foot.
  • Shot 4: Player picks up ball by right mannequin, plays one-two past mannequin and into area and shoots.
  • Shot 5: Player runs around left-sided mannequin and receives low-driven pass from teammate to right to finish first time.
  • Shot 6: Player runs around right-sided mannequin and receives lofted pass to finish first time if possible.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Wide Attacking (unopposed)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Wide Attacking (unopposed)
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Wide Attacking (unopposed) (20 mins)

Key Factors

  • Central attacking players play ball wide to winger, before making run into box and receiving pass from wide and finishing.
  • Advances to the other wide player making run to far post for player to finish.


  • Two wide players on either wing, rest in central area (depending on numbers)
  • Cones set up wide as gates for wide players to drive through
  • Advancement is to add opposite wide player as attacker to increase realism.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling with Shooting

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling with Shooting
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Dribbling with Shooting (20 mins)

Key Factors

  • Aim is to beat man and dribble into box before shooting against goalkeeper.


  • Balls gathered on edge of area with defender
  • Defender plays ball to attacker, who drives at them and has to dribble through one of the gates
  • If successful, the player shoots at the keeper and then becomes defender for next attack
  • If unsuccessful, player becomes defender for next phase

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v1 and 3v2 drill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v1 and 3v2 drill
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v1 and 3v2 drill Create Video:

2v1 and 3v2 drill (20 mins)

Key Factors

  • Working on 2 v 1 and 3 v 2 scenarios, aiming to improve movement, communication and finishing + passing


  • Area size dependent on numbers
  • Set up two goals with two goalkeepers, players are split into two sides
  • Team who starts (BLUE) has to switch ball to teammate to start 2 v 1, player on opposite team (RED) sends one player out to defend
  • If BLUE score, reds start a 3 v 2 attack, where BLUE attackers become defenders and RED adds two players alongside their defender to counter
  • If BLUE lose possession and RED maintains it, RED can go on to score
  • If the ball goes dead, the game resets with RED now starting with the ball and BLUE defending from a 2 v 1 scenario

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Area Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Area Game
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Small Area Game (25 mins)

Key Factors

  • The pitch is organised to be small with two goalkeepers in either goal
  • The ball starts with one of the goalkeepers when play starts to encourage them to play from defence
  • Team must score in opposing goal. If ball goes out then play resets with goalkeeper.


  • Pitch size dependent on numbers
  • Encourage players to open space and use area, keeper starts with ball and must play through players
  • Players can shoot from anywhere if there's an opening as both goals are relatively close together, so defenders must work hard to stop this which may open up spaces to pass into

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