Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Team Building - Chain Tag

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Am-Club: Dutch Total Soccer

Eric-Jan Bijker

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Eric-Jan Bijker
Name: Eric-Jan Bijker
City: Somerset
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Team Building - Chain Tag

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Team Building - Chain Tag
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Team Building - Chain Tag


Setup a box. Start with a 25×25 steps box and then make it bigger or smaller depending on how many numbers you have


Start playing tag within the box

When another player is tagged, the player who was already “it” remains “it” and the tagged player also becomes “it” ◦The chasers (the players who are “it”) form a chain

Suggest they link arms rather than hold hands This is a safety precaution that prevents players from yanking on each others’ arms as the chasers try to switch direction

In order to tag someone, the chain cannot break If someone is tagged by a chaser, but the chasers are not all connected to one another, then that player goes free.

If it is too easy for the players running to avoid getting tagged, make them dribble a soccer ball.

Coaching Points:

- Follow the rules

- Tag safety (don't push)

- Discuss with eachother who are you going to tag

- Push the player who you want to tag to a corner

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